English translation And the place to go eating,

English translation And the place to go eating,

1.the beautiful place of canada.
2. Where to eat

Who is Wang Lin going sightseeing with? He is going sightseeing with his friends

Who will go sightseeing with Wanglin?
His friends will.

Shall we take a sightseeing bus to our destination now?

Are we going to take the tour bus for our destination now?

They will go sightseeing next week

they are going to go sight-seeing next week.

English translation
and lasting change?Why or why not?

It means revolution,
  2.causes  the upheaval and  damage
&Do you think revolution is worth the turbulence and destruction it will inevitably cause?

Cause I have got a lack of all that's good

Because I don't have those beautiful things

If we analyze the very cause of a good or a bad mood psychologically

If we analyze the key psychological factors that affect the mood
It's better to have context, and then translate with context to make the translated text more natural and easier to understand

The grass is not always greener

Other places are not necessarily better than where you are now
"The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence." That's an old saying in English.It means that other places often look better,more interesting than the place where you live.
"The grass on the other side of the fence looks greener" is an old English proverb. It means that other places always look better and more interesting than where you live

The grass isn't always green on the other side

The foreign moon is not necessarily round

The grass is always greener than the other side

Literally, other people's grass always looks green
It's an idiom, which means that the rice in other people's bowls is more fragrant; the moon in other countries is more round, and so on,
Metaphor: you can't see your own advantages, but you always think others are good