The reciprocal sum of two different natural numbers is 1 / 5. What are the two numbers?

The reciprocal sum of two different natural numbers is 1 / 5. What are the two numbers?

Let x + y = a, then xy = 5A. We get x (A-X) = 5A; X ^ 2-ax + 5A = 0, so the discriminant = a ^ 2-20a = a (A-20) is the complete square of a number, so a = 36, and then we get x = 6, y = 30

The sum of a natural number and its reciprocal is 5.2______ .

2 into a fraction is 515515 = 5 + 15, 5 × 15 = 1; so the natural number is 5

The sum of a natural number and its reciprocal is 5.2. What is the natural number?
To list the formula, the detailed process is needed

The natural number is five

The sum of a natural number and its reciprocal is 5.2______ .

2 into a fraction is 515515 = 5 + 15, 5 × 15 = 1; so the natural number is 5

English translation
it looks as if children were not better (off ) in 2009 than they were in 2010
Please analyze how to understand off

Eventualy, the argument ran, farmers and consumers would all be better off

English translation
In some the axis of the shaft follows a circular path concentric with the walls of the mixing chamber at the same time as the stirrer rotates.

When the slurry rotates, the center line of the shaft will move along the circle and keep coaxial with the wall of the precombustion chamber
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English number translation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten

7: 15,8:05,9:30,10:50,3:45,1:55 are translated in two ways respectively

seven fifteen a puarter past seveneight five five past eightnine thirteen half past nineten fifty ten to fivethree forty-five a puarter to fourone fifty-five five to two

2: 15, 3:30, 4:45, 5:55, 6:13, 7:22, 8:35, 9:47, 10:52,

2: 15 two fifty or fifty past two
3: 30 three thirty or half past three
4: 45 four forty five or a quater to five
5:55 five to six
6:13 six thirteen
7:22 seven twenty-two
8:35 eight thirty-five
9:47 nine forty-seven
10:52 eight to eleven

When is your birthday? It's 10.21

When is your birthday?
October the twenty-second.