Known Fibonacci sequence: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55. There are several even numbers in the first 2003 items of this sequence

Known Fibonacci sequence: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55. There are several even numbers in the first 2003 items of this sequence

Answer: 668
Since there is an even number for every three numbers from 3 (only odd numbers + odd numbers can get even numbers), there are 668 even numbers from 3 (2001 / 3 = 667 even numbers), plus "2"

Sequence 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 The first 800 numbers of Fibonacci sequence contain___ Odd number

If A1 = 1, A2 = 1 is odd, A3 is even
A4 is odd, A5 is odd
A6 is even
So the law is odd, odd, even, odd, odd, even .
3K + 1 and 3K + 2 are odd numbers,
3K is even
800/3=266 +2/3
Even number of 266, odd number of 800-266 = 534 this is an interesting ripple Series in the number. Please observe what is the biggest characteristic of this series?

Simply any three adjacent numbers, the first two numbers add up to the third number. Ha ha! Take it! Absolutely correct