If the remainder of a is 37 ° 26 ', then a is equal to?, and the complement of a is equal to?

If the remainder of a is 37 ° 26 ', then a is equal to?, and the complement of a is equal to?

The complement angle of a = 37 ° 26 ′ + 90 ° = 127 ° 26 ′

1. It is known that the degree ratio of the complement angle and the remainder angle of an angle is 4:1
2. If the complement of an angle minus the remainder of the angle is exactly three times the angle, calculate the degree of the angle

1. Let the angle be x, and have

It is known that ∠ alpha and ∠ β are complementary angles to each other, and the complementary angle of ∠ alpha is equal to 2 times of the complementary angle of ∠ β, so ∠ alpha and ∠ β can be calculated

∠ alpha + ∠ β = 90 °
180 ° - alpha = 2 × (90 ° - β)
∠ alpha = 2 ∠ β
∠ alpha = 60 degree