3,5,22,42,83 ( ) Digital reasoning

3,5,22,42,83 ( ) Digital reasoning

I feel the answer is 133

How much is the nth number in the sequence of 12, 22 and 42

Rule: the number of one digit is 2, and the number of ten digits increases by 2 times
From the general term formula of equal ratio sequence, we can know that:
The nth number is 10 * [2 ^ (n-1)] + 2

22,24,27,32,39, (a 40 b 42 C 50 d 52) I want to ask the prime number sequence 2,3,5,7 after the last number minus the previous number
22,24,27,32,39, (a 40 b 42 C 50 d 52) I want to ask the prime number sequence 2,3,5,7 after the last number minus the previous number. He said that the answer in brackets is 11 + 39 = 50. I want to ask you how did you get 11?

It's a continuous prime number. 2,3,5,7,11,13,17, etc. are continuous prime numbers,

Find the law of sequence: 2,12,36,80___

150 2=2*1^2 12=3*2^2 36=4*3^2 150=5*4^2

Find the law of sequence 1, 2, 6

1 1 2 6 24 120 ...
The general term is: an = (n-1)!
The exclamation mark means factorial. I don't know if you've learned it or not
N! = n × (n-1) × (n-2) ×... × 1

2,4,8,14,26,48,88162298. What's the law of this group of numbers?

14 = 2 + 4 + 8 26 = 4 + 8 + 14 48 = 8 + 14 + 26 88 = 14 + 26 + 48 162 = 26 + 48 + 88 298 = 48 + 88 + 162 is the sum of the first three numbers

Fill in the number according to the rule: 2, 4, 8, 14, 26, 48, 88______ ,298,…

According to the meaning of the title, 26 + 48 + 88 = 162

Sequence (3 10:42:55)
In the arithmetic sequence an, a1 + A4 = 133, A2 + a3 = 70, the general formula of this sequence is?

Then the two forms are connected as a whole, about a
Q can be obtained
The general formula can be obtained by induction

Fill in the number according to the rule: 2, 4, 8, 14, 26, 48, 88______ ,298,…

According to the meaning of the title, 26 + 48 + 88 = 162

The sum of the first n terms of the equal ratio sequence {an} is SN. It is known that S1, 2s2 and 3s3 are equal ratio sequence, then the common ratio of {an} is SN_____ .

Fill in: (- 5 + √ 21) / 2 or (- 5 - √ 21) / 2S1 = a1s2 = a1 + A2 = A1 * (1 + Q) S3 = a1 + A2 + a3 = A1 * (1 + Q + Q & # 178;)  s1,2s2,3s3 are equal ratio sequence  A1 * 3A1 * (1 + Q + Q & # 178;) = [2A1 * (1 + Q)] &# 178; {an} is equal ratio sequence, then A1 ≠ 0, both sides of A1 are reduced at the same time, 3 (1 + Q + Q & # 178;) = 4 (1 + Q