Sequence 1,6,20,56144 A general formula of is

Sequence 1,6,20,56144 A general formula of is


List the first 100 numbers of the rabbit sequence
Hurry up!

This sequence starts with the third term, each of which is equal to the sum of the first two terms
one hundred and forty-four
two hundred and thirty-three
three hundred and seventy-seven
six hundred and ten
nine hundred and eighty-seven
one thousand five hundred and ninety-seven
two thousand five hundred and eighty-four
four thousand one hundred and eighty-one
six thousand seven hundred and sixty-five
ten thousand nine hundred and forty-six
seventeen thousand seven hundred and eleven
twenty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-seven
forty-six thousand three hundred and sixty-eight
seventy-five thousand and twenty-five
one hundred and twenty-one thousand three hundred and ninety-three
one hundred and ninety-six thousand four hundred and eighteen
three hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and eleven
five hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and twenty-nine
eight hundred and thirty-two thousand and forty
one million three hundred and forty-six thousand two hundred and sixty-nine
two million one hundred and seventy-eight thousand three hundred and nine
three million five hundred and twenty-four thousand five hundred and seventy-eight
five million seven hundred and two thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven
nine million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred and sixty-five
fourteen million nine hundred and thirty thousand three hundred and fifty-two
twenty-four million one hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and seventeen
thirty-nine million eighty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty-nine
sixty-three million two hundred and forty-five thousand nine hundred and eighty-six
one hundred and two million three hundred and thirty-four thousand one hundred and fifty-five
one hundred and sixty-five million five hundred and eighty thousand one hundred and forty-one
two hundred and sixty-seven million nine hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and ninety-six
four hundred and thirty-three million four hundred and ninety-four thousand four hundred and thirty-seven
seven hundred and one million four hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-three
one billion one hundred and thirty-four million nine hundred and three thousand one hundred and seventy
one billion eight hundred and thirty-six million three hundred and eleven thousand nine hundred and three
two billion nine hundred and seventy-one million two hundred and fifteen thousand and seventy-three
four billion eight hundred and seven million five hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-six
seven billion seven hundred and seventy-eight million seven hundred and forty-two thousand and forty-nine
twelve billion five hundred and eighty-six million two hundred and sixty-nine thousand and twenty-five
twenty billion three hundred and sixty-five million eleven thousand and seventy-four
thirty-two billion nine hundred and fifty-one million two hundred and eighty thousand and ninety-nine
fifty-three billion three hundred and sixteen million two hundred and ninety-one thousand one hundred and seventy-three
eighty-six billion two hundred and sixty-seven million five hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and seventy-two
one hundred and thirty-nine billion five hundred and eighty-three million eight hundred and sixty-two thousand four hundred and forty-five
two hundred and twenty-five billion eight hundred and fifty-one million four hundred and thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seventeen
three hundred and sixty-five billion four hundred and thirty-five million two hundred and ninety-six thousand one hundred and sixty-two
five hundred and ninety-one billion two hundred and eighty-six million seven hundred and twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine
nine hundred and fifty-six billion seven hundred and twenty-two million twenty-six thousand and forty-one
one trillion and five hundred and forty-eight billion eight million seven hundred and fifty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty
two trillion and five hundred and four billion seven hundred and thirty million seven hundred and eighty-one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one
four trillion and fifty-two billion seven hundred and thirty-nine million five hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-one
six trillion and five hundred and fifty-seven billion four hundred and seventy million three hundred and nineteen thousand eight hundred and forty-two
ten trillion and six hundred and ten billion two hundred and nine million eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-three
seventeen trillion and one hundred and sixty-seven billion six hundred and eighty million one hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and sixty-five
twenty-seven trillion and seven hundred and seventy-seven billion eight hundred and ninety million thirty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-eight
forty-four trillion and nine hundred and forty-five billion five hundred and seventy million two hundred and twelve thousand eight hundred and fifty-three
seventy-two trillion and seven hundred and twenty-three billion four hundred and sixty million two hundred and forty-eight thousand one hundred and forty-one
one hundred and seventeen trillion and six hundred and sixty-nine billion thirty million four hundred and sixty thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
one hundred and ninety trillion and three hundred and ninety-two billion four hundred and ninety million seven hundred and nine thousand one hundred and thirty-five
three hundred and eight trillion and sixty-one billion five hundred and twenty-one million one hundred and seventy thousand one hundred and twenty-nine
four hundred and ninety-eight trillion and four hundred and fifty-four billion eleven million eight hundred and seventy-nine thousand two hundred and sixty-four
eight hundred and six trillion and five hundred and fifteen billion five hundred and thirty-three million forty-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-three

The rabbit sequence, or Fibonacci sequence,
[(1 + √ 5) / 2] ^ n / √ 5 - [(1 - √ 5) / 2] ^ n / √ 5 [√ 5 represents the root 5. I know the formula of banditry. But if you want to find the number of digit 121 or 1121, how do you find it? Let's take an example
Just put in any number,
In other words, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 is the number of every 1001 bits of this sequence. If you are satisfied, add 100 points

Its general term formula is: [(1 + √ 5) / 2] ^ n / √ 5 - [(1 - √ 5) / 2] ^ n / √ 5 [√ 5 represents the root 5]. It is proved that let the nth term of the sequence be a (n), let a (n) = k * B ^ (n) from a (n + 2) = a (n + 1) + a (n), K * B ^ (n + 2) = k * B ^ (n + 1) + k * B ^ (n), that is, B ^ 2 = B + 1b = [(1 + 5 ^ 0.5) / 2] or [((...)

Kneel down to find all the formulas about rabbit sequence

a(1)=1,a(2)=1,a(3)=2,a(4)=3,…… ,a(n)=a(n-1)+a(n-2).
The general formula is a (n) = (1 / √ 5) * {[(1 + √ 5) / 2] ^ n - [(1 - √ 5) / 2] ^ n}
Don't call it the rabbit series, it's the Fibonacci series
There are many fibonacii numbers in nature, because there is a golden section number in it. The golden section point is also a common rule in natural phenomena, and the rotation angle of inflorescence and sunflower are related to it