A number is more than B, C is D, what is the number A is d more than a number C, how much is this number? Two examples are solved by equation and formula

A number is more than B, C is D, what is the number A is d more than a number C, how much is this number? Two examples are solved by equation and formula

There are 20 ducks, 1 / 2 more chickens than ducks. How many chickens are there?
20 × (1 + 1 / 2) = 30
Suppose there are x chickens,
There are 20 bags of flour in the canteen. Rice is 1 / 2 more than flour. How many bags of rice are there?
20 × (1 + 1 / 2) = 30 (bag)
There are x bags of rice,

A car goes from B to C. she meets a bus. The speed of the bus
A car drives from B to C. she meets a bus. The speed of the bus is 84 hours / km. After one and a half hours, the car arrives at C and the bus is 39km away from B. if the car takes 4 hours from B to C, how far is it from B to C?
I want the solution of the X equation

Let the car speed be X,
The solution is x = 66
Distance from B to C = 66 * 4 = 264

A: B: C = 3:4:5 a + B + C = 36
one hundred and eleven

a=9 b=12 c=15

2 math problems, formula required
To build a road, team a and team B need 12 days and 15 days respectively
The bottom of a triangle is 12 cm and its height is three fourths of the bottom. What is the area of this triangle in square centimeter?

1.1 divided by (1 / 12 + 1 / 15) = 20 / 3
2.12 times (12 times 3 / 4) times 1 / 2 = 54

Directly write the number: 2 - (11 / 15 minus 4 / 15) = 0.1 of the quadratic power, 7 of the quadratic power (1 / 2) (with a quadratic power added above) = solve the equation: 8x = 1 / 4, 3 / 4 x + 5 / 8 x = 55 X-15% x = 37.4
Calculation by the formula: 3 / 11 × 5 + 8 / 11 × 51 △ 1 / 4 (2 / 3 + 3 / 5 - 7 / 10) × 15
By the way, the free segments of the two ends on the circle are right in diameter, the circumference of the wrong half circle is half of the whole circle, and the area of the circle is the whole circle. Generally, if the radius of a is equal to the diameter of B, the circumference of the two elements is equal, right or wrong
Find the perimeter and area of the following figure respectively
The calculation is: a circle r = 3, a circle d = 10, a semicircle d = 8
Application: the outer diameter of a bicycle wheel is 0.6 M. Mr. Chen rode the bicycle through a bridge and turned 1500 wheels away from the bridge. How many meters of the bridge is it? In a rectangular piece of paper with a length of 5 decimeters and a width of 4 decimeters, how many pieces of paper are there left

1 and 15:80.01494:132:1404455:48.5 wrong, right and wrong perimeter 3.14x3x2 = 18.84 area 3.14x3 & # 178; = 28.26 perimeter 3.14x10 = 31.4 & nbsp; area 3.14x5 & # 178; = 78.5 perimeter 3.14x8 divided by 2 + 8 = 20.56 area 3.14x4 & # 178; divided by 2 = 25.123.14x0.6x1

There are several apples in pile a and pile B. It is known that 1 / 4 of the number of apples in pile a is equal to 1 / 5 of the number of apples in pile B. It is also known that there are 24 more apples in pile B than in pile A. how many apples are there in pile a and pile B

Let a be x and B be y
(1/4)X =(1/5)Y
The solution is enough
Let a be X
((1/4)X )×5 -X =24
The solution is the nail

A mathematical problem
There is a batch of goods. The car transported 3 / 8 of the total weight for the first time, and 1 / 5 of the remaining weight for the second time, which is more than 8 tons. There are still 52 tons left to be transported. How many tons of this batch of goods?

52 + 8 = 60 tons
60 △ 1 / 2 = 120 tons
A: the goods are 120 tons

Li Ming rides a bicycle to borrow books from the library 5 kilometers away from home. From the given diagram, we can see that: 1) Li Ming stops on the way to the library______ (2) the speed of return is per hour______ Kilometers

① 40-20 = 20 (minutes); ② return hours: 120-100 = 20 minutes, 20 minutes = 13 hours; return speed: 5 △ 13 = 15 (kilometers); answer: ① Li Ming stops for 20 minutes on the way to the library; ② return speed is 15 kilometers per hour

I want a detailed solution and a clear formula
1. Use a rope to measure the width of the kitchen. After three folds of the rope, it is more than three decimeters. After four folds of the rope, it is still one decimeter short. How many decimeters is the length of the rope? How many decimeters is the width of the kitchen?
2. Xiao Li, Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhang bought a basket of apples together with the same amount of money. When they divided the apples, Xiao Wang and Xiao Li needed 6 kilograms more than Xiao Zhang. Therefore, each person had to give Xiao Zhang 10 yuan. How much is the price of each kilogram of apples?

1. If you fold the rope three times, it is more than three decimeters, that is, the length of the rope is three times the width of the kitchen, which is 3 × 3 = 9 decimeters; if you fold the rope four times, it is still one decimeter less, that is, the length of the rope is less than four times the width of the kitchen, which is 1 × 4 = 4 decimeters
The rope length is (13 + 3) × 3 = 48 decimeters or (13-1) × 4 = 48 meters
The width of the kitchen is:
=13 (decimeter)
The rope length is:
=48 (decimeter)
A: the length of the rope is 48 decimeters and the depth of the well is 13 decimeters
2. Because when sharing apples, Xiao Wang and Xiao Li both took 6 kg more than Xiao Zhang, that is to say, they took 6 × 2 = 12 kg. The extra 12 kg apples were shared equally by three people, and each person got 4 kg. This is fair. That is to say, Xiao Zhang's 4 kg apples were shared equally by them, and each person got 2 kg more. So each kg is 10 △ 2 = 5 yuan
=5 yuan
Answer: 3 yuan per kilogram of apples

Starting from 2, continuous even numbers are added as follows: the number of addends n s 12 = 1 * 22
Starting from 2, continuous even numbers are added as follows:
The number of addends n s
1 2=1*2
2 2+4=6=2*3
3 2+4+6=12=3*4
4 2+4+6+8=20=4*5
5 2+4+6+8+10=30=5*6
According to the rule in the table, it is conjectured that the formula of using the algebraic expression of n to express s is s = 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + +2n=___________
Calculate 102 + 104 + 106 + according to the above rule +The value of 2002 (with process)
Calculate 102 + 104 + 106 + according to the above rule +Value of 2012 (with process)

Calculate 102 + 104 + 106 + +The value of 2012 > > is equivalent to calculating 2 + 4 +. + 102 + 104 + 106 + +2012, minus 2 + 4 +. + 100
2+4+.+102+104+106+…… +2012=1006*1007=1013042
Results: 1013042-2550 = 1010492