Give me some logical questions The more, the better.

Give me some logical questions The more, the better.

It rained eight times, 13 mornings were sunny, 9 afternoons were sunny, Nuo afternoon was rainy, and morning was sunny. How many days did it rain

You have a problem with this question. Since it rained eight times, it rained eight days
If you ask how many days there are in this period, you can set a total of X days
There are (X-13) afternoon rain and (X-9) morning rain
So X-13 + X-9 = 8, so x = 15
15 days in all

Who can help me with a logical problem?
There are three rooms, one room has three switches and one room has three lights. Each room can only enter once. How can I know which switch controls which light?

I turn on any switch in the switch room, generally for 5 minutes to 10 minutes or more (the purpose is: after turning off the switch, although the light does not come on, it will maintain a higher temperature)
Turn off the switch you just turned on, and then turn on another switch at will. This switch is always on. Go to the light room to see the result immediately
When you go to the room with light, you will see that one light is on and the other two lights are not
1. It's easy to judge whether the on light is controlled by the on switch
2. Use your hand to compare the temperature of the other two lights (not on). It's easy to judge which light has been turned on, and the one with high temperature is controlled by the switch you just turned on (and turned off), and the rest is only one light corresponding to one switch. You can know which switch controls which light
① The on switch controls the on light
② The off light (hot) is controlled by the light that has been on for 5 to 10 minutes and turned off
③ Turning off the light is controlled by a switch you don't even bother to touch
This is the problem of electric heating. It tells us a truth: we should observe things around us carefully. In fact, the truth lies in our hearts

Logical reasoning -- the number of apples
Lily, Sasha, Beibei and coco all have a certain number of apples. Although each of them has a different number of apples, they all have between four and seven. All four people eat one or two apples, but the number of apples left by each person is still different. After eating apples, the four people say the following. Among them, the person who ate two apples lied, The man who ate an apple told the truth
Lily: I've eaten silver apples
Sasha: "lily has four apples in her hand now."
Beibei: "I ate three apples with Kula."
Coco: "Anna ate two apples. Beibei doesn't have three now."
Excuse me: at first, how many apples did they each have, how many did they eat, and how many were left?

Lily: "I ate silver apples." Sasha: "lily has four apples in her hand now." Beibei: "coco and I ate three apples in total." coco: "Sasha ate two apples, but the number of apples in Beibei's hand is not three now." [inference] / / combining exclusion and

The apple question
The kindergarten is divided into apples, which are three times as many as peaches. Each person has five apples and two peaches. After the peaches are divided, there are still 20 apples left. How many apples are there?

{20 / (2 * 3 - 5)} * 5 + 20 = 120
A: there are 120 apples

If Sun Hong and Chen Ming share four apples each, and the others share two, there will be four more apples. If Sun Hong shares six apples each, and the others share four, there will be another 12 apples left. How many apples are there in the fourth group? How many apples did the teacher bring to the fourth group?

Prompt * is a multiply sign
Set up a fourth group with X people
A: there are nine people in the fourth group
4 * 2 + 2 * 7 + 4 = 8 + 14 + 4 = 26
A: the teacher brought 26 apples to the fourth group
Please accept

There are 12 apples in the picture. The problem is: I am () ground circle, a total of () apples
It must be 12 apples in the end. What do you mean the first two are empty

The general practice is that there are two 2 circles, a total of 6 piles of apples, three 3 circles, a total of 4 piles of apples, four 4 circles, a total of 3 piles of apples, six 6 circles, a total of 2 piles of apples

Divide 6 apples to 3 students averagely. What's the proportion of each apple to the total number of apples? What's the proportion of each apple to the total number of apples

Each apple accounts for one sixth of the total. Each apple accounts for one third of the total

A logical reasoning problem
(1) People who like swimming don't like Taijiquan, (2) people who don't like outing like Taijiquan, (3) people who like outing don't like mountaineering. It can be concluded that: (a) people who like mountaineering don't like swimming, (b) people who like swimming don't like mountaineering, (C) people who like Taijiquan don't like outing, (d) people who like Taijiquan don't like mountaineering, And more importantly, explain why
Thank you for your serious answer. But there is only one standard answer!
A and B look the same, but only one of them is correct. Which is it?

You can see the way:
Write their own inverse negative propositions
(1) Swimming - > - Tai Chi: Tai Chi - > - swimming
(2) - outing → Tai Chi: - Tai Chi → outing
(3) Outing - > - mountaineering: mountaineering - > - outing
A: Mountaineering - > - outing - > - Tai Chi - > - swimming
B: Swimming - > - Tai Chi - > - outing - > - mountaineering
C: Taiji - > - swimming
D: Ditto
Some answers are given to B, but according to the reasoning given by him, a is also completely correct. The method is that all P are Q: P - > Q, equivalent to - Q - > - P. if it is "some", it is not like this
The shredder students, your a reasoning is obviously wrong, I guess you are wrong, look at your (2) to (1), (2) is D - > t, (1) is t - > ^ y, normal syllogism, the result is D - > y

When I come across two logical reasoning problems, I want to know what the correct answers are, how to reason, and the specific process of reasoning
The first question is that the criminal police team needs to strengthen the strength of the anti drug team. As for who will join the team, it has been agreed that: (1) if Party A participates, Party B will also participate; (2) if Party C does not participate, Party D will participate; (3) if Party A does not participate and Party C participates, According to these regulations, which of the following reasoning is completely correct?
A. A, D, have participated B, C, D, have participated
C. A, B, have participated D, a, B, D, have participated
One night, a shop was stolen. Through investigation, the following judgments were drawn: (1) the thief was either a or B; (2) if a was a thief, the time of committing the crime was before zero; (3) at zero, the light of the shop went out, and a had gone home at that time; (4) if B's confession was not true, Then the time of committing the crime is not before zero; (5) only when the light of the store is not off at zero, the confession of B is true?
A. A B, B C, a or B D, a and B
I want to know the correct answers to these two questions and how to reason. Please write down the specific process of reasoning

1、 5) the higher authorities decide that the deputy team leader has participated, and (4) team leader e does not participate, and (3) not a does not participate but C does. First, a does not participate, and C does not participate, and (2) d does, and (1) B does not participate, and there is no answer. Second, both a and C participate, and (1) B also participates, and there is no answer. Third, a does not participate but C does not participate