A store will sell goods with a purchase price of 8 yuan at 10 yuan per piece, which can sell 200 pieces per day. Now it is adopting the method of raising the price of goods to reduce the sales volume and increasing the profit Run, if the price of each product increases by 1 yuan, the sales volume will be reduced by 20 pieces. How much yuan should the price of each product be increased to make a profit of 640 yuan per day

A store will sell goods with a purchase price of 8 yuan at 10 yuan per piece, which can sell 200 pieces per day. Now it is adopting the method of raising the price of goods to reduce the sales volume and increasing the profit Run, if the price of each product increases by 1 yuan, the sales volume will be reduced by 20 pieces. How much yuan should the price of each product be increased to make a profit of 640 yuan per day

Solution of price increase x yuan
x1=2 x2=6
Answer: when the price of each piece increases by 2 yuan or 6 yuan, the daily profit will be 640 yuan

A store sells a commodity with a purchase price of 8 yuan at 10 yuan per piece, which can sell 200 pieces per day. Now it adopts the method of raising the selling price and reducing the purchase quantity to increase the profit. It is known that the daily sales volume of this commodity will decrease 10 pieces per day when the price increases by 0.5 yuan. If the commodity is to make a profit of 640 yuan per day, how much should the selling price be?

Suppose the price is x yuan, according to the equation, we get (X-8) (200-x − 100.5 × 10) = 640, and the solution is X1 = 12, X2 = 16. Because we increase the profit by increasing the selling price and reducing the purchase quantity, we should set the selling price of each piece at 16 yuan, so that the daily profit can be 640 yuan

A stationery store will buy 8 yuan of goods at 10 yuan per piece, which can sell about 100 pieces a day
A store sells a certain commodity with a purchase price of 8 yuan at 10 yuan per piece, and it can sell about 100 pieces a day. A store wants to increase its profit by increasing the selling price and reducing the sales volume. After market research, it is found that the sales volume of this commodity can be reduced by about 10 pieces for every 1 yuan increase in the unit price of this commodity. When the selling price of this commodity is set at how much yuan, can the profit be maximized?

If the price is increased by X Yuan, the profit is:
=10 (- (x-4) ^ 2 + 4) then, when x = 4, the maximum profit is 40 yuan
The reason here is (x-4) ^ 2 > = 0
If you think my answer can help you, please adopt me. Thank you

After the price of an 80 yuan commodity is reduced by one twentieth, the price is increased by five yuan, which is one eightieth higher than the original price?

That's right

After a price reduction of 1 / 20 for an 80 yuan item, the price was increased by 5 yuan, 1 / 80 higher than the original price


The original price of a coat is 80 yuan and the current price is 60 yuan. How much is the current price lower than the original price? How much is the original price higher than the current price?

Price reduction = (80-60) △ 80 = 1 / 4
Expensive = (80-60) △ 60 = 1 / 3
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!

The price of a commodity has been reduced by 12%. How many percent of the original price is the current price


The original price of a certain drug is 125 yuan / box, and it will be 80 yuan / box after the price reduction. How much of the price of this drug will be reduced


The original price of a commodity is 160 yuan, but now the price is reduced by 20 yuan. How much is the decrease?
Quick, quick

20 / 160, decreased by 12.5%

The current price of a product is a yuan, which is B yuan lower than the original price. The percentage of price reduction is ()
A. baB. ba+b×100%C. ba−b×100%D. aa+b×100%

According to the analysis, the percentage of price reduction is: Ba + B × 100%