The original price of a dress is 100 yuan. The first price cut is 20%, and the second price cut is 20%. How much is the present price of this dress?

The original price of a dress is 100 yuan. The first price cut is 20%, and the second price cut is 20%. How much is the present price of this dress?


The original price of a garment is 500 yuan. The first price reduction is 10% and the second price increase is 9%. How much is the current price?

500 × (9 / 10) × (10 / 9) = 500, so the current price is 500

A dress is 70 yuan. First raise the price by 1 / 10, then lower the price by 1 / 10. How much is the current price

The current price is 69.3 yuan

After the price of a garment has been raised by 1 / 10, it has been reduced by 1 / 10. What's the price now
Yes, I'm sorry. I have the wrong number. The problem is how much of the original price is now

99 out of 100

There is a LCD TV, which is 1200 yuan cheaper than the original price. The current price is 10% off. How much is the original price?

Then you have to say what brand it is! 1333 yuan should belong to junior high school arithmetic: original price - current price = 1200, current price / original price = 9 / 10, so the original price is 12000, and the current price is 10800. If not, that's right

LCD TV: 10% off the current price. This TV is 1200 yuan cheaper than the original price
LCD TV: 10% off the current price. This TV is 1200 yuan cheaper than the original price. Do you know what the original price of this TV is?
Find the formula and answer it

10% off = 10% off
1200 divided by 10% = 12000

A TV set is sold at 10% discount, which is 1200 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price of this TV set?

Suppose the original price is a yuan;
9A = a-1200;
A = 12000 yuan;
A: the original price of the TV is 12000 yuan
If you don't understand, you are welcome to ask,

The price of a suit is 1020 yuan cheaper after 15% discount. How much is the original price of this suit?

Divide 1020 yuan by 85%

The price of a suit after 15% discount is 1020 yuan. What's the original price of this suit?

Original price: 120 ÷ 85% = 1200 yuan,

A mobile phone with the original price of 2500 yuan is sold at a 25% discount. How much cheaper is the price of the mobile phone

It's 15% off
So 2500x0.15 = 375
It's 375 yuan cheaper