There are two kinds of goods, one for Party A and one for Party B, with a total cost of 200 yuan, (continued above) now the two kinds of goods are sold at a 10% discount. As a result, the two kinds of goods sold are the same, with a total profit of 27.7 yuan. What are the costs of the two kinds of goods

There are two kinds of goods, one for Party A and one for Party B, with a total cost of 200 yuan, (continued above) now the two kinds of goods are sold at a 10% discount. As a result, the two kinds of goods sold are the same, with a total profit of 27.7 yuan. What are the costs of the two kinds of goods

If a costs X Yuan, B costs 200-x yuan
So a costs 130 yuan, B costs 70 yuan
Is this the sixth grade chicken and rabbit in the same cage?

The total cost of two kinds of goods is 200 yuan. The price of goods a is set at 30% of the cost, and that of goods B is set at 20% of the profit. Later, the two kinds of goods are sold at 90% of the price, and the total profit is 27.7 yuan?

200 × (1 + 20%) × 0.9-200 = 200 × 1.2 × 0.9-250 = 216-200 = 16 (yuan) (27.7-16) / [(1 + 30%) × 0.9 - (1 + 20%) × 0.9] = 11.7 ^ [1.3 × 0.9-1.2 × 0.9] = 11.7 ^ 0.09 = 130 (yuan), then the cost price of commodity B is 200-130 = 70 (yuan). A: the cost of commodity a is 130 yuan, and that of commodity B is 70 yuan

The total cost of commodity a and B is 250 yuan. Commodity a is priced at 30% of the profit, while commodity B is priced at 20% of the profit. Later, at the request of customers, the two commodities are sold at a 10% discount, and the profit is still 33.5 yuan. What is the cost of commodity B?

The cost of Party A and the cost of Party B (250-x) and the cost of Party B (250-x) (1 + 30% X (250-x) (1 + 30) is the cost of Party A and the cost of Party B (250-x) and the cost of Party B (250-x) (1 + 30% X (250-x) (250-x) is the cost of Party A and the cost of the cost of Party B (250-x) (1 + 30% X (250-x) (1 + 20) (1 + x) (1 + 20) (1 + 20) (1 + x) and the (250-20) and the 90-90-90-20% of (1-20) and the 90-90-90% and the (90-20) (90-20) (90-20) (90-20) and the 90-20) (90-20) (90-20) (90-20) (90-20) (90-20) (90-20) (as (1-20) (as (1-20) (as (1-x) (as (1-x) (as (1-sp; & nbsp;                              0.09x+20=33.5,                                   0.09x+20-20=33.5-20,                                        0.09x=13.5,                                   0.09x÷0.09=13.5÷0.09,                           &The & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & amp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & it's 100 yuan

The total cost of the two kinds of goods is 2200 yuan. Party A sets the price according to 20% of the profit, Party B sets the price according to 15%, and later both of them are discounted according to 90% of the price
Sell. The result still gains 131 yuan. How much is the cost of a kind of commodity?

According to the question stem, the actual price of a and B is 2331 yuan (2200 + 131). Because of a 10% discount, the price of a and B is 2590 yuan (2331 / 0.9) before the discount. Assuming that the cost of a product is x yuan, then 1.2x + (2200-x) * 1.15 = 2590, the cost of a is 1200 yuan and that of B is 1000 yuan

Explain the answer
There is a plate of fruit, three more than two, four more than two, five more than two. How many apples are there at least?

The least common multiple of 3,4,5 + 2, that is 62

Using round steel with diameter of 4cm to cast three cylindrical parts with diameter of 2cm and height of 16cm, the length of round steel needs to be cut______ cm.

Let the truncated round steel be xcm in length. According to the meaning of the question, we get: π × (42) 2x = 3 × π × (22) 2 × 16, 4x = 48, and the solution is: x = 12

It takes 15 hours for Xiao Li and Xiao Wang to copy a manuscript together. It is known that the work efficiency ratio of Xiao Li and Xiao Wang is 3:2. How many hours does it take Xiao Wang to complete the task alone?

It takes Xiao Wang 37.5 hours to complete the task alone

Define a new operation: a ∥ B = 5A + 3b, when x ∥ 10 = 40, what is the value of X ∥ 13?

X [

A and B each have some money. It is known that a has four times as much money as B. when a spends one-third of the money, he spends the remaining one-third. If a gives B 7 yuan at this time, the money of a and B is exactly the same. How many yuan did a have?

Take the original money of a as unit 1, then the original money of B is 1 / 4
After 1 / 3 of the flowers were removed, the remaining 1-1 / 3 = 2 / 3
After spending the remaining 1 / 3, the rest is:
At this point, a to B 7 yuan, two equal
That is to say, a is 7 × 2 more than B = 14 yuan
That is to say, 4 / 9 of a is 14 yuan more than 1 / 4
A: 14 (4 / 9-1 / 4) = 72 yuan

A mathematical problem, the problem is very simple, to train of thought
What is a natural number two and two thirds more than its reciprocal

Two and two thirds, and the denominator is three
So the reciprocal is one in three
So the number is three