A garment is priced at a 20% profit margin and then sold at a 10% discount. The total profit is 12 yuan. How much is the cost of this garment?

A garment is priced at a 20% profit margin and then sold at a 10% discount. The total profit is 12 yuan. How much is the cost of this garment?

Suppose the cost price is x yuan, from the question meaning: (1 + 20%) × 90% x-x = 12 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1.08x-x = 12 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.08x = 12 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

A commodity is sold at a 10% discount of 25% of the cost price, and then at a 10% discount to attract customers. As a result, the merchant makes a profit of 700 yuan,
A commodity is priced at a profit margin of 25% of the cost price, and then it is sold at a 10% discount to attract customers. As a result, the merchant makes a profit of 700 yuan. How much is the cost of this batch of goods has to be solved and processed,

Suppose the cost of this batch of goods is x yuan
So the cost of this batch of goods is 5600 yuan

A commodity is priced at 25% of its cost, and then sold at a 10% discount to attract customers. As a result, the merchant makes a profit of 700 yuan______ Yuan

The cost of this kind of product is 5600 yuan per set

A certain commodity is priced at 25% of the cost price for profit, and then a 10% discount is implemented to attract customers, resulting in a profit of 700 yuan
How much is the cost price of this commodity

=5600 yuan
Suppose the cost price of this commodity is x yuan

Besides magnesium oxide, magnesium nitride is also produced when magnesium strip is burned in air
1. The relative molecular weight of MgO
2. Mass ratio of magnesium and nitrogen in magnesium oxide
3. Mass fraction of nitrogen in magnesium nitride
Mass of nitrogen element in 4.25g magnesium nitride
Is the mass of magnesium in 5.0 g MgO equal to that in 5g MGN?

The relative molecular weight of magnesium oxide is 24 + 16 = 402. The mass ratio of magnesium to nitrogen in magnesium oxide is 24:16 = 3:23. The mass fraction of nitrogen in magnesium nitride (Mg3N2) is 2 * 14 / (2 * 14 + 3 * 24) = 28% 4.25g. The mass fraction of nitrogen in magnesium nitride is 25g * 28% = 7g. The mass fraction of magnesium in Mg3N2 is 2 * 14 / (2 * 14 + 3 * 24) = 28%

Kneel down to find the [electronic formula] of sodium nitride, and the chemical formula is na3n

As shown in the picture

Chemical formula of magnesium nitride


Please write the chemical formula of magnesium nitride?


Chemical formula of magnesium nitride dissolved in hydrochloric acid

Mg3N2 + 8 HCl = 2 NH4Cl + 3 MgCl2

Magnesium nitride

Magnesium nitride (Mg3N2) is an inorganic compound composed of nitrogen and magnesium. It is a yellow green powder at room temperature and reacts with water. It is often used as a contact medium