It is known that the circumference of a rectangle is 36cm, and its area is 65cm 2. Then the length of the rectangle is more than the width by cm?

It is known that the circumference of a rectangle is 36cm, and its area is 65cm 2. Then the length of the rectangle is more than the width by cm?

13cm long
5cm wide
Solve by equation

The perimeter of a rectangle is 30cm, and its area is 54cm. What is the length and width? How to list the formula?

Let X and Y and x > y,
The first one gets y = 150-x, and substituting the second one gets 150x-x ^ 2 = 54

If the circumference of a rectangle is reduced by 3 cm, its area will be reduced by 24 square cm. At this time, it just becomes a square. What is the area of the original rectangle

Imagine that if you want to turn a rectangle into a square, you need to cut off the long part of the rectangle. The cut out part is the 24 square centimeter given by the title. What is the shape of the cut out 24 square centimeter? It's a rectangle. Because you cut off the rectangle, the circumference of the original rectangle is

Put three squares with sides of 4cm into a rectangle. What's the perimeter of the rectangle?
