The circumference of a rectangle is cm, if the length of the rectangle is am (AM)

The circumference of a rectangle is cm, if the length of the rectangle is am (AM)

Because the length is am, the width is C / 2-AM
The second power of S = a · (C / 2-A) = AC / 2-A

The perimeter of a rectangle is 64cm and the width is 12cm. The area of this rectangle is () square centimeter,
If you draw the largest circle in this rectangle, the area of the circle drawn is () square centimeter?

Length: 64 △ 2-12 = 20cm
Area: 20 × 12 = 240 square centimeter
Circle radius: 12 △ 2 = 6cm
Circle area: π × 6 & # 178; = 36 π square centimeter
If the offer is equal to, will you calculate it yourself?

The area of the rectangle is 240 square centimeters, and the perimeter is 64cm square centimeters. Find the perimeter of the rectangle

Er, I would like to say if there is something wrong with the second condition