The radius of a circle is 15.84 meters longer than its circumference?

The radius of a circle is 15.84 meters longer than its circumference?

The diameter is 6

In the same circle, the length of the diameter is equal to () of the radius length, the length of the radius is equal to () of the diameter length, and the distance between the two feet of the compass is 1.5cm in diameter

The distance between the two feet of a compass is 1.5cm, and the diameter is 3cm
Perimeter: 3.14 × 1.5 × 2 = 9.42 cm

1. In the same circle, the length of the diameter is () of the radius. 2. In the same circle, there are () radii, so the radius length is ()
1. In the same circle, the length of diameter is ()
2. In the same circle, there are () radii, so the radius length is ()
3. The radius of a round flower bed is 2 meters, and its perimeter is () meters
4. The radius of a circle is 4cm, and its area is () square centimeter
5. The diameter of a round screen is 40 cm, and its area is () square meters
6. A round flower pool is 3.2 meters in diameter and () meters in circumference
2、 Judgment
1. Two circles with the same radius have the same area ()
2. If the diameter of a circle is twice the radius, the radius is 2 / 1 ()
3. A circle with a radius of 2 cm has the same perimeter and area ()
4. If the circumference is large, the PI must be large ()
5. If the radius of a circle is doubled, the area will be doubled ()
6. Triangles are axisymmetric ()
3、 Fill in the form
|R (CM) | D (CM) | C (CM) s (square centimeter)|
| 3 | | |
| | 8 | |
| | | 15.7 |
1. The diameter of the circular flower bed in the center of the people's Park is 5 meters. How many meters is its perimeter?
2. The range of an automatic rotating sprinkler irrigation device in wheat field is 12 meters. How many square meters is the maximum area it can spray irrigation?
3. The circumference of a circular sheepfold is 28.26 meters. What is its radius? What is the floor area of the sheepfold?
4. Build a semicircular swimming pool in the stadium. Its diameter is 48 meters. How many square meters does the swimming pool cover?
It's not necessary at 12:00 pm on December 8, 2010

1.2 times 2.1 times 3.12.56 m 2.1 √ 2.2 √ 3.4 × 5.6 × 3.fill in the form -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --