The outer diameter of a ring is 1.5cm, and the inner diameter is 1cm. What is the area of the ring?

The outer diameter of a ring is 1.5cm, and the inner diameter is 1cm. What is the area of the ring?

Area of ring = area of big circle - area of small circle

What is the area of a circular ring with an outer radius of 5cm and an inner radius of 3cm

S outer circle = 5x5x Π = 25 Π
S inner circle = 3x3x Π = 9 Π
S ring = s outer circle - s inner circle = 25 Π - 9 Π = 16 Π
Therefore, the area of the ring is 16 Π square centimeter

For a ring, the radius of the outer circle is 5cm, the radius of the inner circle is 4cm, and the area of the ring is?

Circle area = big circle area - small circle area = 5 & # 178; π - 4 & # 178; π = 9, π = 28.26