The square lawn with a length of 40 meters on one side should be expanded to a square with an area of 2000 square meters. How much should the side length be increased (the solution of the binary linear equation is accurate to 0.1)

The square lawn with a length of 40 meters on one side should be expanded to a square with an area of 2000 square meters. How much should the side length be increased (the solution of the binary linear equation is accurate to 0.1)

It's not binary, it's binary
The side length should be increased by X meters
There are
The solution is x = (radical 2000) - 40
About 44.7-40 = 4.7m

A square, cut 6cm on one side, cut 2cm on the other side, the remaining rectangle is 68cm2 less than the original square area?

Let the side length of a square be xcm. According to the meaning of the question, we can get: (X-6) (X-2) = x2-68. After sorting out, we can get: - 8x = - 80, and the solution is: x = 10. Answer: the side length of a square is 10cm

If one side of a square is increased by 2cm and the other side is decreased by 2cm, and the changed area is 12cm2, then the side length of the square is increased

In 4cm, if the side length is x, then (X-2) * (x + 2) = 12, and x = 4