Application: the bottom is a square cuboid, height shortened by 5 cm to become a cube, then the surface area reduced by 1.2 square decimeters, find the surface of the cube Find the surface area of cube

Application: the bottom is a square cuboid, height shortened by 5 cm to become a cube, then the surface area reduced by 1.2 square decimeters, find the surface of the cube Find the surface area of cube

Hello, I'm glad to answer for you!
The reduced surface area of a cuboid is a cuboid with a height of 5cm
1.2 square decimeter = 120 square centimeter
The side length of the cube is 120 △ 4 △ 5 = 6 (CM)
The surface area of the cube is 6 × 6 × 6 = 216 (square centimeter)
Answer: the surface area of cube is 216 square centimeter

Ask Video: the side length of a square map is 75 meters. If the side length is reduced by 50 decimeters, how many square meters will the area be reduced?

The area is 725 square meters less than before

The side length of a square is 10 cm. If the side length increases by 2 cm, how much does the perimeter increase? How much does the area increase?

The perimeter increases by (10 + 2) × 4-10 × 4 = 8 cm, and the area increases by (10 + 2) × (10 + 2) - 10 × 10 = 44 square cm

The sides of the two squares are 8 cm and 10 cm respectively. The perimeter ratio is () and the area ratio is ()

The sides of the two squares are 8 cm and 10 cm respectively. The perimeter ratio is (4:5) and the area ratio is (16:25)