If the circumference of a circle is equal to that of a square, the area of the circle () the area of the square A. Greater than B. less than C. equal to

If the circumference of a circle is equal to that of a square, the area of the circle () the area of the square A. Greater than B. less than C. equal to

Suppose that the circumference of a circle and the circumference of a square are 12.56 cm, then the side length of a square is a = C △ 4 = 12.56 △ 4 = 3.14 (CM), the area of a square is s = A2 = 3.14 × 3.14 = 9.8596 (square cm), the radius of a circle is r = C △ 2 π = 12.56 △ 2.14 = 2 (CM), and the area of a circle is s = π R2 = 3.14 × 22 = 12.56 (square cm) 12.56 > 9.8596, then the area of a circle is larger than that of a square

The perimeter of a round flower bed is 18.64 meters, and the area of this flower bed is () square meters

Radius r = 18.64/3.14/2 = 2.97M
Area = 2.97 * 2.97 * 3.14 = 27.70m2
Accurate to 2 decimal places

There is a pool in the park. Its diameter is 18 meters. How many meters is its perimeter? How many square meters is the area?

(1) 3.14 × 18 = 56.52 (m) a: his perimeter is 56.52 M. (2) 18 △ 2 = 9 (m) 3.14 × 92 = 3.14 × 81 = 254.34 (M2) a: the area is 254.34 m2