The radius of a circle is equal to the side length of a square, and their perimeter ratio is (), and their area ratio is ()

The radius of a circle is equal to the side length of a square, and their perimeter ratio is (), and their area ratio is ()

If the circumference of a square is set to 4R, the circumference is 2 * π * r,
Find the perimeter ratio!
The square area is R * r, and the circle area is π * r * r,
Find out the area ratio!
Perimeter ratio: π: 2
Area ratio: π: 1
We should strengthen the understanding and memory of the formula! Only in this way can we do the problem easily!

The ratio of side length to perimeter of a square is (); the ratio of surface area to bottom area of a cube is (); the ratio of diameter to perimeter of a circle is ()


What is the ratio of perimeter to side length of a square______ What is the ratio of the surface area to the bottom area of a cube______ .

(1) Because the perimeter of the square = side length × 4, the ratio of the perimeter to the side length of the square is: (side length × 4): side length = 4:1; (2) the ratio of the surface area to the bottom area of the cube = (side length × side length × 6): (side length × side length) = 6:1, the ratio: 6 △ 1 = 6

The diameter of a circle is equal to the side length of a cube. Given that the perimeter of a circle is 18.84 meters, how many square meters is the area of a square?

18.84/3.14=6 6*6=36