When the length of a rectangle is reduced by 3cm and the width is increased by 2cm, it becomes a square, and the areas of the two graphs are equal. The length and width of the rectangle are ()(

When the length of a rectangle is reduced by 3cm and the width is increased by 2cm, it becomes a square, and the areas of the two graphs are equal. The length and width of the rectangle are ()(

The length and width of a rectangle are (9cm) (4cm). If the length of a rectangle decreases by 3cm and the width increases by 2cm, it becomes a square. Then the length of the rectangle is 3 + 2 = 5cm larger than the width. Suppose the length of the rectangle is xcm, then the width is x-5cm. The area of the rectangle = x (X-5) \ \ the side length of the square is x-3cm

Enlarge a rectangle 3cm long and 2cm wide by 1:4, and the enlarged area is ()

Idea 1 3 * 2 = 6 magnification 4 times 6 * (the square of 4) = 96 square centimeters
Idea 2 length and width are magnified four times (3 * 4) * (2 * 4) = 96 square centimeters

In a rectangle 3cm long and 2cm wide, draw the largest circle with a radius of

You can try this with a compass, and then use dialectics to find that the maximum radius of a circle is 2cm