A room is 8.1m long and 5.2m wide. Now we need to lay 0.6m square floor tiles. Is 100 pieces enough? (regardless of loss.)

A room is 8.1m long and 5.2m wide. Now we need to lay 0.6m square floor tiles. Is 100 pieces enough? (regardless of loss.)

8.1 × 5.2 (0.6 × 0.6) = 42.12 △ 0.36 = 117 (pieces) 100 < 117 A: 100 such tiles are not enough

A room is 8.1m long and 5.2m wide. Now we need to lay 0.6m square floor tiles. Is 100 pieces enough? (regardless of loss.)

8.1 × 5.2 (0.6 × 0.6) = 42.12 △ 0.36 = 117 (pieces) 100 < 117 A: 100 such tiles are not enough

A room is 8.1m long and 5.2m wide. Now we need to lay 0.6m square floor tiles. Is 100 pieces enough? (regardless of loss.)

8.1 × 5.2 (0.6 × 0.6) = 42.12 △ 0.36 = 117 (pieces) 100 < 117 A: 100 such tiles are not enough

If a room is paved with square bricks with a side length of 4 decimeters, 175 pieces are needed. If it is replaced with square bricks with a side length of 5 decimeters, how many pieces are needed?

If we use a brick with a side length of 5 decimeters, we need x bricks. We can get: 5 × 5x = 4 × 4 × 175, 25X = 2800, x = 112

Square tiles are used to cover the whole wall. The maximum side length of this kind of tiles is 80 DM in length and 24 DM in width


A conference room is 52dm long and 36dm wide. Now we need to lay square tiles. What is the maximum side length of square tiles?

Is to find the greatest common multiple of 52 and 36, obviously 4
So the maximum side length of a square tile is 4dm

A room with 42dm and 36dm width is paved with square floor tiles. How many decimeters of floor tiles can be used?

Let the maximum side length be x decimeter. The rectangle can be paved with M blocks upward. M * x = 42, and N blocks can be paved in the wide direction. N * x = 36 do ratio operation. M / N = 42 / 36 = 7 / 6. Because x = 42 / m, when m is the minimum, x will be the maximum

A bedroom is 36 decimeters long and 28 decimeters wide. Square tiles should be laid in the bedroom. How many decimeters is the longest side length of square tiles more appropriate? How many tiles do you need?

36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3, 28 = 2 × 2 × 7, the greatest common factor of 36 and 28 is 2 × 2 = 4; (36 × 28) / (4 × 4), = 9 × 7, = 63 (pieces). Answer: the longest side length of a square tile is 4 decimeters, which is more suitable. A total of 63 such tiles are needed

The school library is 10 meters long and 8.5 meters wide. It is paved with 0.9 meters square tiles. Is 100 tiles enough?

The floor area of the school reading room is 247.5 square meters, covered with 0.8-meter-long square tiles. Is 400 pieces enough?

Because 400 is more than 386
So 400 is enough
A: enough