If a room is paved with 0.4m square bricks, it needs 270 pieces; if it is paved with 0.3m square bricks, how many pieces?

If a room is paved with 0.4m square bricks, it needs 270 pieces; if it is paved with 0.3m square bricks, how many pieces?

=480 pieces

Living room area is 48 square meters, with 1.2 meters long, 1 decimeter wide, 0.1 decimeter thick wood flooring: need a few pieces of wood

Hello, zdsjwy2
Width: 1 decimeter = 0.1 meter
Requirement: 48 ÷ (1.2 × 0.1) = 400 (pieces)

The area of the living room is 48 square meters, with the floor of 1.2 meters long, 1 decimeter wide and 0.1 decimeter thick, how many pieces of floor do you need at least

I can tell you that the floor loss rate is about 3%, you can remove the floor area of a single floor, the number will be closer
48 * 1.03 = 49.44 square meters, veneer: 1.2 * 0.1 = 0.12 square meters;
It needs 49.44 / 0.12 = 412 pieces of floor, the error is not very big
If you want a very accurate number is very difficult, it needs you to provide the length and width of the customer. And the number of pieces of the floor is limited by the construction method and the requirements of the seam

Uncle Li bought a new house, the living room is a rectangle, the original plan is to use 16 square decimeters of brick floor, need 150 tiles, now decided to use 6 decimeters long, 1 decimeter wide, 2 cm thick wood floor, then at least need to buy this wood floor how many?

If you need to buy at least x pieces of this kind of wood floor, there are (6 × 1) x = 16 × 150, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6x = 2400, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 400. A: you need to buy at least 400 pieces of this kind of wood floor