When the floor area is fixed, the side length of the square brick is not proportional to the number of blocks required? Why?

When the floor area is fixed, the side length of the square brick is not proportional to the number of blocks required? Why?

It is not proportional, because the positive proportion is the quotient constant, while the side length of square brick and the number of blocks required are not division relations. The inverse proportion is the product constant, but the floor area is not the product of the side length of square brick and the number of blocks required, but the product of the area of square brick and the number of blocks required, The square brick area is inversely proportional to the number of blocks required

The total area of paving square brick is certain, what proportion is the side length of square brick and the number of bricks needed

Out of proportion
However, its square is inversely proportional to the number of blocks

Floor area is certain, the side length of square brick and need piece number. What proportion, explain a reason

When the floor area is fixed, the side length of the square brick is inversely proportional to the number of bricks needed. The larger the side length of the brick, the less the number of bricks used