The perimeter of a square made of two identical isosceles right triangles is 8C, so what is the area of an isosceles right triangle? nothing

The perimeter of a square made of two identical isosceles right triangles is 8C, so what is the area of an isosceles right triangle? nothing

Solution 1: if the perimeter of a square is 8 cm, then the side length of the square is 8 cm △ 4 = 2 cm, then the length of the two right sides of an isosceles right triangle is 2 cm, so the area of an isosceles right triangle is 2 cm × 2 cm △ 2 = 2 square cm

It is known that the area of a right triangle in a circle is 2.5 square centimeters?


One side of an isosceles right triangle is 8 cm long. The largest area of this triangle is () and the smallest is ()

Hello: 32 and 16
When the right angle side is 8, the maximum area is 8x8 / 2 = 32 square centimeters
A hypotenuse of 8 is the smallest area
With Pythagorean theorem, (a is the side length)
Square of 2A = 64
So the area of the triangle is 1 / 2A square = 16 square centimeters
The maximum is 32 square centimeters and the minimum is 16 square centimeters

A classroom needs to be paved with square bricks. It takes 720 times to use square bricks with a side length of 0.3 meters. If we use square bricks with an area of 0.16 square meters, how many pieces do we need?

The area of the classroom is fixed, so the area of each square brick is inversely proportional to the number of square bricks, which can be solved by equation (equal product formula)
If x pieces of square bricks with an area of 0.16 square meters are required, then
Answer: use square brick of 0.16 square meter instead, need 405 pieces

A classroom needs 275 square bricks with an area of 0.16 square meters. If it needs 0.25 square meters, how many square bricks? (solve by proportion)

Suppose x square bricks are needed. According to the meaning of the question, 0.25x = 0.16 × 2750.25x = 44 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 176 A: 176 square bricks are needed

The floor of a classroom is paved with square bricks. It needs 300 square bricks with an area of 0.16 square meters. How many square bricks do you need if you use square bricks with a side length of 0.5 meters

0.16 × 300 ÷ (0.5 × 0.5) = 192 pieces

I would like to ask you how many square bricks you need to use to pave the classroom. If you use 15cm square bricks to pave the classroom, how many do you need

X blocks are required
Inverse proportion
Have a good time

It takes 2500 pieces to use 15cm long square bricks to pave the floor for teachers. If we use 25cm long square bricks to pave the floor, how much will it take


It costs 4000 yuan to pave the floor with 15cm long square bricks. If we use 25cm long square bricks to pave the floor, how many? Solve the equation

Set X blocks
It costs 1440

It takes 200 pieces to pave the floor with 20 cm long square bricks, and how many pieces to pave the floor with 50 cm long square bricks?

20 × 20 × 200 ÷ (50 × 50) = 32 (pieces)
A: it costs 32 yuan
Set X blocks
A: it costs 32 yuan
Take mine