How to write the stroke order of yingzi

How to write the stroke order of yingzi

Look at the picture

The stroke order of asking character

Point, vertical, horizontal fold, hook, vertical, horizontal fold, horizontal fold
6 paintings in total

Stroke order of fire character

[stroke order reading and writing]: punctuation

The front area of lelejia's study is 82 square meters, which needs painting. It needs 0.6kg paint per square meter. In fact, when painting
The front area of lelejia's study is 82 square meters, which needs painting. Every square meter needs 0.6kg of paint. In fact, there is one tenth of the loss in painting. How many kg of paint is needed?
The school needs to paint the walls and ceiling of the conference room which is 28m long, 10m wide and 4m high. There are two 4m wide and 2.5m high doors and four 2m wide and 2m high windows in the conference room
1. How many square meters does the meeting room need painting?
2. When painting for the first time, about three fifths of the paint is used per square meter. How many liters of paint are needed?
3. When painting for the second time, the paint per square meter is two-thirds of the first time. How many liters of paint do you need for the second time?
4. How many liters of paint are shared twice?

1. The area to be painted is (ceiling) 28 * 10 + (four walls) 28 * 4 * 2 + 10 * 4 * 2 - (door) 4 * 2.5 * 2 - (window) 2 * 2 * 4 = 548 square meters

A kitchen is 45 decimeters long and 35 decimeters wide. If you want to lay square tiles on the kitchen floor, how many decimeters of tiles do you need to choose in order to lay them neatly and economically? (the length of tiles is required to be the whole decimeter.)

The common divisors of 45 and 35 are 1 and 5, so floor tiles with side lengths of 1 and 5 decimeters are OK
Hope to adopt!

Xiaoxiaojia's living room is paved with square tiles, and 200 tiles with a side length of 4 decimeters are needed. If we use tiles with a side length of 5 decimeters instead, how many tiles should we use

200: x = 5?: x = 128 use 128 tiles with side length of 5 decimeters

There is a 4 m long regular hexagon floor covered with 50 cm long regular triangle floor tiles. How many floor tiles do you need?
The problem is how to calculate the area of hexagon, please explain in detail

S = (3 times root 3 / 2) * square of side length
The answer to the above question is 384

There is a square hexagon living room with a side length of 4 meters, which is covered with 50 cm long regular triangle tiles. How many tiles do you need?
Give reasons

First, it is divided into six regular triangles with 4 sides, and each triangle needs (15 + 1) * 8 / 2 = 64 blocks
64 * 6 = 384 pieces

There is a square hexagon living room with a side length of 4 meters, which is covered with square triangle tiles with a side length of 50 meters. How many pieces of such tiles do you need?

A regular hexagon should be composed of six regular triangles with a side length of 4 meters
A 4-meter-long triangle consists of four 2-meter-long triangles
Similarly, it can be inferred that:
A 2-meter-long triangle consists of four 1-meter-long triangles
A 1-meter-long triangle consists of four 50 cm long triangles
So the total is:
6*4*4*4 = 384

There is a regular hexagon living room with a side length of 4 m, which is densely paved with regular triangle tiles with a side length of 1 m
A. 54 B. 72 C. 96 D. 128

An equilateral hexagon is divided into six congruent equilateral triangles. It is easy to get that the side length of each equilateral triangle is 4 m, the height is 23 m, and the area of an equilateral hexagon is 6 × 12 × 4 × 23 = 243 m2. Similarly, the area of an equilateral triangle with a side length of 1 m is 12 × 1 × 32 = 34 m2, and the area of an equilateral triangle with a side length of 1 m is 243 △ 34 = 96