The edge length of the large cube is twice that of the small cube, and the volume of the large cube is 21 cubic decimeters more than that of the small cube. What is the volume of the small cube?

The edge length of the large cube is twice that of the small cube, and the volume of the large cube is 21 cubic decimeters more than that of the small cube. What is the volume of the small cube?

21 (8-1) = 3 (cubic decimeter), a: the volume of small cube is 3 cubic decimeter

Find the area of the shadow
It's the last question. You think I'm stupid!

The correct answer is the problem of inner two circles. Well, the most invincible method is to establish the coordinate system and write out the functions of the circle. Then use calculus invincible and then do the general method. Add two circles in the figure. In this way, you know the area of the four circles and the area of the square. Then, there are four parts shared by the two circles

`The area of a large square is nine times that of a small square, and the side length of a large square is several times that of a small square
Please explain

3 times, let the side length of the small square be one, so its area is one, and the side length of the large square is a, so a * a = 9, so a is 3

The following is the geometry made up of several identical small cubes. From the front, we can see the shape map from the top and the left
(1) How many cubes do you need at most?
(2) How many cubes do you need at least?
(3) When the minimum number of cubes is needed, the number of cubes in each position is indicated on the shape chart

As shown in the figure:

A geometry is made up of small cubes of the same size. The shape of the geometry seen from above is as shown in the figure. The number in the small square represents the number of small cubes in the position. Please draw the shape of the geometry seen from the front and from the left

As shown in the figure:

As shown in the figure, it is a plane figure formed by several small vertical blocks. The number in the small square indicates the number of small vertical blocks in the position. Please draw the corresponding geometry and see the plane figure from its front and left

From the front, from the left

A geometry is made up of several small cubes of the same size. When you look at the geometry from above, you can see the shape as shown in the figure. The number in the small square represents the number of small cubes in the position. Please draw the shape of the geometry from the front and left

The drawing is as follows:

A geometry is made up of several small vertical squares of the same size. When you look at the geometry from above, you can see the shape as shown in the figure. The number in the small square represents the number of small cubes in the position. Please draw the shape diagram of the geometry from the front and left. The figure is 2 and 3 in the first row, and 1 in the second row

As shown in the figure:

Eleven drawing methods of cube
There are 11 kinds of expansion of prime cube~

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Eleven kinds of drawing patterns of expanded cube

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