Not too many words

Not too many words

1. Making wine
The hot summer is coming, the grapes are ripe, and many adults have begun to make wine. The wine is sour, sweet and slightly astringent. It is said that the authentic dry red wine has this flavor. I also want to try to make such delicious wine
As soon as you enter the vineyard, you will see a bunch of grapes, red, purple, green, half red, half purple, half green, dark red and dark purple. The colors are different and they are beautiful
The grape here is a good product without pollution. There is no pesticide sprayed
Looking at such an attractive grape, my heart is very happy and my mouth is very greedy
While eating and walking, enjoying the grapes, these lovely elves are not only beautiful in color, but also good-looking in shape, like crystal and diamond. What's more, they are full of water and juicy. They taste sour and sweet in one bite!
After eating the grapes, it's time to finish my task. I picked up the scissors and cut a basket full of them with a few clicks. Oh, I'm so happy!
The first thing to do when I get home is to wash the grapes. Although there is no pesticide, the dust will also stick to the grape skin. If so many grapes are washed one by one, it will be a very troublesome thing. My mother taught me a unique trick, which is to evenly sprinkle some flour on the grapes, and then immerse the grapes in water for a few times, Then take it out and wash it with water. It's very clean. It's more lovely than the grapes in the vineyard just now. The water is as bright as small lamps
After washing the grapes, put them outside to cool and dry, pick them one by one and put them into a wooden basin. Use your hands to squeeze the grapes to separate the skin and flesh. The juice overflows from my little fingers. A sense of achievement also flows out. At first, your hands don't feel sour, but after a long time, your fingers are really disobedient
Put the mashed grapes into the ceramic vessel, don't put too full, because the grapes will send the grape skin upward in the fermentation process, and also overflow the vessel with some juice. Pour the sugar and grapes into the ceramic vessel in the ratio of 1:4, "Hua -" the sugar flows into the vessel like running water. Then press the bottle tightly with plastic film, and stir with a long bamboo stick every few days, Make the fermentation inside more even
Aha! In less than ten days and a half months, the fresh and delicious wine can be baked immediately after being filtered
2. A visit to the countryside
Holiday, I like to go to the countryside, because the countryside has the city can not find the natural scenery; there are many interesting poultry, livestock, there are hard-working and kind-hearted farmers. Come here, let people relaxed and happy, feeding small animals, endless fun. That's from my first time to the countryside
One Sunday, my father took me to my cousin's house in Chenghai. On the way, I watched the green crops and felt very fresh. This was the first time I saw the vast fields in the countryside. My father told me: "this is Chenghai."
When we got out of the car, we saw chimneys standing in the distance, old-fashioned tile roofed houses swarming in groups, facing the breeze, smelling the refreshing air with the smell of soil, and occasionally heard the sound of chickens and dogs. For Wu, a child who had never set foot in the countryside, it was a wonderful feeling. After walking a section of country road, we came to my cousin's house, and the cousin's family warmly entertained us
After lunch, I couldn't wait to play with my cousin. Just out of the village, I suddenly saw a group of "lion headed geese" swaggering past me. They were all gray, and their crowns were black and red. They looked simple and honest. I immediately brought the plate and poured some leftovers and bran drinks into the plate, added some leftovers and rotten leaves, and stirred them evenly, A group of geese rushed over and rushed to the goose trough to eat. In less than a minute, they ate it upside down. There was a little man who hadn't eaten it yet, so I specially added some for him to eat. I laughed with satisfaction at the way he stretched his neck to eat
Then, my cousin took me to her vegetable field. It's a big piece of green mustard. Tomatoes are shyly hidden behind the thick leaves. In the field, several farmers are fertilizing with their pants in their arms, carrying a manure bucket. Every plant here really has its unique charm
At this time, my cousin pointed to the rolling mountains in the distance and said to me, "look, that's the famous Chenghai Tashan!" I saw that the trees on the mountain were luxuriant, the shapes were different, and the peaks were not naked. This is a natural scenery that can't be seen in the city!
Imperceptibly, the sun is setting. My father and my aunt and I are reluctant to leave the lovely countryside
Since then, I have formed an indissoluble bond with the countryside. In winter, summer and weekends, I went to the countryside to live an interesting life. The air in the countryside is fresh, the people in the countryside are hospitable, and the life in the countryside is simple. It has cultivated my sentiment, strengthened my body, and made me understand a lot of truth

There are about 400 words in landscape composition or chronicle composition

I like summer
I like blue because it is the color of the sky
Blue surrounds us, a kind of quiet and soft feeling comes to our hearts. If the earth is the mother of all things, then the sky is the father who warms the world with both hands. I like the sky, which embraces us in a unique way and makes us live under the umbrella surrounded by blue love
I like the rain, because it is the tears of the sky
Rain is sad, it falls because of missing the earth; rain is sacred, because it falls with the sky's yearning for all things on the earth; rain is happy, because it not only conveys the sky's yearning, but also moistens the earth with its own body. I like the sky, which conveys its emotions in a unique way, so that we can live in this colorful world
I like to see clouds, because it is the expression of the sky
Clouds are changeable. Sometimes the sky is clear, sometimes it's cloudy, and sometimes it's dark. When the sky is clear, it's sunny, bright, and fresh, which makes us feel that the sky is happy at this time. Because it feels that the distance between the earth and it is getting closer and closer When it's cloudy or sunny, the wind is whistling. At this time, the sky is angry, because no matter how hard we try, the earth and it can't be together. We can only see each other thousands of miles away When it's dark, thunder is the cry of the sky. At this time, the sky is melancholy. Because he misses the earth, but can't embrace the earth. I like the sky, because its infatuation for the earth is admirable, let us have the exclamation of "if the sky is sentimental, the sky is old, and this feeling is endless"
I like the sky, because it warms me and forgives me like my father, opens me and influences me like a teacher
-Today, my mother let me learn to ride a bike
I can't wait to rush down the stairs and fantasize that I'll soon learn. I excitedly came to the garage. My mother pushed out the bike, loosened the screw with a wrench, lowered the armrest and stool, and let me have a try. Just in time, my mother tightened the screw. Put the wrench and closed the garage door. We came to the yard. My mother rode it to me first. I watched my mother ride in the yard like a swallow, In the heart does not envy. Really wants to ride the car, oneself also "flies" a circle, has a good time
It's time for me to learn how to ride a bike. My mother supported me behind and ran with the car. I sat on the stool, holding the handle in my hand and stepping on the pedal. My eyes were looking straight ahead, and my two feet pedaled hard. The bike turned left for a while, turned right for a while, and almost fell me down for a while. I was scared and jumped out of the car. Looking back, my mother was sweating and panting, and took the opportunity to say, "Mom, Take a rest! "My mother nodded. I was scared and thought: how can the bicycle be so disobedient? If it wasn't for my mother's support, my ass would have blossomed. I'd better not learn it! But looking at my mother's seriousness, I'm sorry to say that I won't learn
After a short rest, I began to ride again. This time, my mother said, "it's much easier to help yourself up now than just now. It seems that you have a higher understanding of cycling. As long as you practice more, it won't be very difficult..."
After listening to my mother's words, I seemed to see my own progress, and the idea of "giving up" suddenly disappeared. I secretly decided that I must learn to ride a bicycle!
Scenery and narration

Summer composition grade 4

In my eyes, summer vacation is happy, joyful, long, rich and interesting Before the exam, we always look forward to the summer vacation, thinking that in the summer vacation, there will be no teacher's criticism, no lot of homework, no If summer vacation is the sky, I'm a bird, hovering in the blue sky, sometimes straight into the clouds, sometimes playing with the clouds; if summer vacation is the sea, I'm a fish, flying through the corals, and rushing out of the water with excitement
I am a little bookworm, usually only busy with learning, no free time to read, to the summer vacation, I can spare a lot of time to read, I can eat spiritual food, I can spare a lot of time to go to the library to read, more can borrow their favorite books home, in the sea of books
I also love swimming, swimming is the most physical exercise, usually to class, but also to do homework, occupied our sports time, to the summer vacation, OK, I can swim freely in the water. Therefore, I go swimming every day, swimming can exercise, but also summer
Because of the summer vacation, I have enough time to go to the library to learn the natural and scientific knowledge that I am interested in, and go swimming with my friends. We can do some meaningful and happy things when we have time. The summer vacation is really good!

Looking for signs in the fourth grade summer vacation
1. Briefly summarize the main content of the article
2. After reading this short passage, contact life, what we have not done enough in recycling? Write it down and appeal to you

A lot, I can't say

Interesting stories of the summer vacation

There is a wonderful question in summer homework
Dear children, you must be very familiar with football? However, have you found that the black skin on common football is regular pentagon, while the white skin is hexagon! If there are 12 pieces of black skin, can you count how many pieces of white skin?

I don't know if you can understand with such knowledge
Football is made of 32 pieces of black and white cowhide, in which black leather is a regular pentagon and white leather is a regular hexagon. If white leather has x pieces, then black leather has (32-x) pieces. Each piece of white leather has 6 sides and a total of 6x sides. Because each piece of white leather has three sides sewed together with black leather, so black leather has 3x sides. Can you find out the number of black and white pieces of this football through equations?
That is, there are 20 pieces of white, and 12 pieces of Black: 32-20
How many black and white pieces are there in football? Speaking of football, everyone is familiar with it. Can you tell me how many black Pentagon and white hexagon are there on football? Ha ha, you may not have counted them. OK, let's count them. If we hold six black pieces and count them again, we will find that there are still six black pieces. So, needless to say, black pieces are 12. White