What are the poems about winter

What are the poems about winter

A poem about winter
Jueju -- Du Fu
Two orioles sing green willows,
A line of White Dew rose to the sky
The window contains the snow of Xiling,
Mengpo Dongwu Wanli ship
Jiang Xue -- Liu Zongyuan
Thousands of birds fly away,
Ten thousand paths are lost
The old man in the boat,
Fishing alone for cold river snow
Plum blossom -- Wang Anshi
A few plum trees in the corner,
Ling Han drives alone
Remote knowledge is not snow
For the secret fragrance
A poem about winter
The master of Furong mountain: Jiang Xue
Liu Changqing, Liu Zongyuan
At dusk, the mountains are far away, and birds are flying away,
The sky is cold, the house is poor, and thousands of people are lost
Chaimen heard the barking of the dog, the solitary boat and the rainbowman,
Return home in a snowy night. Catch the cold river snow alone
When the rain and snow fall, it will disappear
The sun's heat. Say: the auxiliary word has no real meaning
The book of songs Xiaoya Jiaogong
The cold wind destroys the trees and the frost forms the orchid
Ancient poetry written by Jiao Zhongqing's wife
The wind is sad at the end of the year, and the clouds are covered by the sun and snow
Desolate: cold. Yiyi: dark. Hope: less. In the eyes: what the eyes see. Hao: white
Tao Yuanming, Jin Dynasty: guimao's mid December work and his younger brother Jingyuan
The difference in the air can be imitated by sprinkling salt, but not by catkins due to the wind
Xie Daoyun's Ode to snow in Jin Dynasty: "what is the snow like one after another? If you sprinkle salt in the air, you can simulate the difference, but if catkins are due to the wind."
The moon shines on the snow, the new wind is strong and sad
Shuofeng: north wind. Jin: fierce. AI: bleak
The end of the year by Xie Lingyun in the Southern Song Dynasty
The bamboo is frightened by the wind and the snow is all over the mountain
Yi: window. Wind startles bamboo: snow in the wind, hitting bamboo, making a rustling sound
Wang Wei of Tang Dynasty: memories of Hu Jushi's family in winter evening

What are the words related to festivals

Zhang dengjiecai
Hang lanterns and tie colored silk. It describes a festival or a scene of festive events
[from]: Chapter 69 of romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong of the Ming Dynasty: "tell the residents in the city to make every effort to celebrate the festival."
[example]: during the national day, the square is busy
Xi à ozh ú y á NK à I
Follow; Yan: face, countenance; Kai: stretch out. Smile to stretch out your countenance
From: the forty second chapter of Shi Naian's the complete story of the water margin in the Ming Dynasty: "Song Jiang is glad to see him, and he smiles."
[example]: they heard the good news, one by one
Happy Hu ā NTI ā nx ǐ D ì
I'm very happy
[from]: the fourth fold of the fifth volume of the romance of the Western chamber by Wang Shifu of Yuan Dynasty: "I now give my wife Gao, the name of the county king, to him with two hands."
[example]: just now the second grandmother came out of the old lady's house, not like in the old days. She called Ping'er and didn't know what she said
P ǔ Ti ā NT ó ngq ì ng
People all over the world or the whole country celebrate together
[from]: "history of the Three Kingdoms · Wei Shu · biography of Guo Huai": "today's PU (PU) days are the same, but Qing's stay is the latest, why?"
There are four words in the middle of the square: "it's said that it's Chinese New Year."
X ǐ Q ì y á ngy á ng
Exultant: a look or atmosphere of exultation
[from]: in Yueyang Tower by Fan Zhongyan of Song Dynasty, "when you go to this tower, you will feel relaxed and happy. You will forget both the favor and the disgrace, and you will be happy when you drink."
[example]: the soldiers on the horse are all in high spirits, which is not like they have been defeated in a battle
Beautiful and full moon
Flowers are in full bloom, the moon is perfect. Metaphor beautiful perfect. Used to congratulate people on their wedding
[from]: Song Zhang Xian's poem "Magnolia flower" says: "people feel pity for the full moon, the full moon and the scattered people. When they go to the distant clouds, the past is like a broken dream."
Wugu Fengdeng w ǔ g ǔ f ē NGD ē ng
Deng: mature. It means good harvest in the year
[from]: "Liu Tao · long Tao · Li Jiang": "it's the rainy season, when grain is abundant and the country is peaceful."
[example]: since then, the country has been peaceful, the people have been in good weather, and the character Kangfu has really leveled the world
Long fengchengxiang L ó NGF è ngch é ngxi á ng
It refers to an auspicious event
[from]: "Kong Congzi · Ji Wen": "emperor Bude, will bring peace, then rare tortoise and dragon will bring peace first."
Grammar: subject predicate type; used as object and complement; refers to auspicious events
Looking for wealth
Recruit and introduce wealth and treasure
[from]: the second discount of Yuan Dynasty's Liu Tangqing's "falling mulberry fruit": "to attract wealth and treasure, to achieve good fortune, to keep the whole family safe and secure."
[example] a big tree strikes roots deeply. It is a ∼ of Qian Shu.
Good luck
A person is lucky and blessed
[from]: Chapter 39 in biography of heroes and heroines by Wen Kang of Qing Dynasty: "Guanbao, you are worthy of a lucky star."

What are the words about the sun?

The sun is scorching

A circular iron sheet, outer diameter is 1 meter, inner radius is 0.3 meters, the area of this iron sheet is () square decimeter

An annular iron sheet, the outer diameter is 1 meter, the inner radius is 0.3 meters, the area of this iron sheet is (502.4) square decimeters. 3.14 × (1 / 2) &# 178; - 3.14 × 0.3 &# 178; = 3.14 × (0.5 &# 178; - 0.3 &# 178;) = 3.14 × 0.16 = 0.5024 (square meter) = 502.4 (square decimeter) my answer is not clear

Draw the largest square in a circle. It is known that the side length of the square is 4cm. How about the area of the inside and outside of the circle?

The diameter of a circle is the diagonal of a square. If the radius is r cm, the diameter is 2R cm. The area of a square is 4 × 4 = 16 square cm, which is equal to half of the diagonal product of the square. So 2R × 2R △ 2 = 164r & # 178; = 32R & # 178; = 8. So the area of a circle is 3.14 × R & # 178; = 3.14 × 8 = 25.12 square%

Draw the largest circle on a square with a side length of 3cm. If the circle is cut off, what is the area of the remaining part?

Wrong upstairs

Seeking the master (the area deduction of circle)
When deducing the area formula of a circle, divide the circle into several (even) equal parts and put them together into an approximate rectangle. If the length of the rectangle is 6.42cm more than the width, the area of the circle is () square centimeter

In the derivation process, the approximate rectangle's length is π R, its width is r, and its area is s = π R2
R = 6.42 divided by (3.14-1) = 3
S = π R2. = 3.14 times 3 square = 28.26 square centimeter

1. The ratio of the circumference of the big circle and the small circle is 5:3. The area difference between them is 32 square centimeters. How many square centimeters is the area of the big circle?
2. For a round pond, now increase the radius of the pond by 1 meter. How much will the perimeter of the pond increase?
Two problems should have formula, but do not equation solution!

1. The ratio of the circumference of the big circle and the small circle is 5:3, which means that the ratio of their radius is 5:3
Their radius ratio is 5:3, so their area ratio (that is, the ratio of radius squared (5 * 5): (3 * 3) = 25:9
If there is a difference of 16 parts and 32 square centimeters between the two circles, then one is 36 / 16 = 2 (square centimeters)
25 large round, 25 * 2 = 50 (square centimeter)
Small circle 9, use 9 * 2 = 18 (square centimeter)
2. Radius increases by 1 meter, diameter increases by 1 * 2 = 2 (m)
Diameter increased by 2m, perimeter increased by 2 * 3.14 = 6.28 (m)

The area of a circle is 8 times that of the original one, and its perimeter is increased by 50.24. What's the original area/

S original = Πr ^ 2
S = Π R ^ 2
S current = 8s original
C = 2 Π R
C = 2 Π R
C current = c original + 50.24
This is absolutely right
S original = Πr ^ 2
S = Π R ^ 2
S current = 8s original
C = 2 Π R
C = 2 Π R
C current = c original + 50.24

It can be courseware, it can be video, and it can also write directly how to calculate the area of the circle

First calculate the area of a semicircle, then 1 / 2 π r square = 28.26 △ 2 calculate the radius, and then multiply the area of the high circle by the bottom. The formula is, π R, which takes your area as 28.26, so π r = 28.26