Go - () () call - () () write four words with similar meaning in front and words with similar meaning in the back Line up; look at - (look) (look) (glance) (glance) (gaze) To remove the word "song" from the meaning of a song

Go - () () call - () () write four words with similar meaning in front and words with similar meaning in the back Line up; look at - (look) (look) (glance) (glance) (gaze) To remove the word "song" from the meaning of a song

Run through
Whine and howl

Write words according to the different meanings of words

Different: different, different, special, excellent, strange, different, different

Five poems describing plum blossom and explaining its meaning

1. Don't boast about the color, just leave the fresh air to fill the universe
Don't need others to praise the color of plum blossom, it only keeps its fragrance between heaven and earth
2. The edge of sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum comes from bitter cold
The sharpness of the sword and the incomparable fragrance of the plum blossom have all gone through a lot of hardships. Therefore, if a person wants to achieve success, he must be able to bear hardships, exercise more, and win by his own efforts
3. It's not snow to know from afar, for there is a secret fragrance
In the ice and snow, when the flowers wither, the unique plum blossom braves the ice cold and frost, shakes its branches and bones, blooms its bud and spits its pistil. It expresses the author's praise and love for the plum blossom. It also describes the white and fragrant characteristics of the plum blossom, and praises its strong quality of fearing the cold
4. A few plum blossoms in the corner, blooming alone in the cold

There is a biggest square in a circle. The side length of the square is 5cm. How about the area of the circle?

You can find the diameter of the circle by finding the diagonal of the square, and then you can find the area of the circle

A square with a side length of 10 cm is cut into the largest circle. What is the area of the circle

Side length = diameter of circle

Cut a circle with the largest area from a square piece of paper with a side length of 10 cm. The area of this circle is______ The remaining area is the area of the original square______ .

(1) S = π R2 = 3.14 × (10 △ 2) 2 = 3.14 × 25 = 78.5 (square centimeter); (2) area of square = side length × side length = 10 × 10 = 100 (square centimeter); remaining area = area of square - area of circle = 100-78.5 = 21.5 (square centimeter); 21.5 △ 100 = 21.5%; so the answer is 78.5, 21.5%

The side length of a piece of square paper is 10 cm. Now cut a circle from this paper. The area of the circle is ()% of the square

If the diameter of the circle is 10 and the radius is 5, then the area π R ^ 2 = 25 π

Cut a piece of paper with a side length of 10 cm into the largest circle. What percentage of the area of the circle is that of the square?

The area of the circle: S = π R2 = 3.14 × (10 △ 2) 2 = 78.5 (square centimeter); the area of the square: S = A2 = 10 × 10 = 100 (square centimeter); 78.5 △ 100 = 78.5%; answer: the area of the circle is 78.5% of the area of the square

It is known that the circumference of a circle is 25.12 cm. What is the area of this circle?
This circle is the largest one in this square. It's better to give the formula. Thank you for pulling!

Radius of circle: 25.12 / 3.14 / 2 = 4 side length of square: 8 area of circle: 3.14 * 4 * 4 = 50.24 area of square: 8 * 8 = 64 50.24 / 64 = 78.5% I don't know, right,

The perimeter of the largest circle in a square is 25.12 cm, and the area of the circle is a fraction of the square? 3Q

25.12÷3.14÷2=4 4×4×3.14=50.24 25.12÷3.14=8 8×8=64 50.24÷64=157/200