The side length of a square tabletop is 80 cm. If it is equipped with a tablecloth and each side is required to droop 10 cm, what is the area of this tablecloth? Please list the formula

The side length of a square tabletop is 80 cm. If it is equipped with a tablecloth and each side is required to droop 10 cm, what is the area of this tablecloth? Please list the formula

One side droops 10 cm, so the length and width are increased by 20 cm, 80 + 20 = 100 cm, 100 × 100 = 10000 C ^

The side length of a rectangular tabletop is 80 cm. If it is equipped with a tablecloth and it is required to droop 10 cm around, how many square centimeters is the area of this tablecloth

(80 + 10 + 10) square = 10000 square centimeter = 1 square meter

The side length of a square tabletop is 80 cm. Give it a glass of the same length and calculate the glass area

80 × 80 = 6400 square centimeter = 0.64 square meter