The first cloth is 8.1 meters, and the second one is two ninth longer than the first one. 40% of the second cloth is used to make clothes. How many meters is it used to make clothes

The first cloth is 8.1 meters, and the second one is two ninth longer than the first one. 40% of the second cloth is used to make clothes. How many meters is it used to make clothes

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Article 2
8.1 × (1 + 2 / 9) = 9.9 (m)
For making clothes:
9 × 40% = 3.96 (m)

If you use a batch of cloth to make clothes, you can make 120 sets of clothes with 3.6 meters of cloth for each large set of clothes. If you save 19 sets of cloth for each set of clothes, how many sets of clothes can you make with this batch of cloth? (solved by equation)

Suppose this batch of cloth can be used to make x sets of clothes. According to the meaning of the title, we can get the equation: 3.6 × 89 × x = 120 × 3.6 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3.2X = 432 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 135 A: 135 sets of clothes can be made

There is a piece of cloth that can be used to make 4 sets of adult clothes or 7 sets of children's clothes. One set of adult clothes is 9 / 5 meters more than one set of children's clothes. How many meters does a set of children need?
Solve by equation

1.8 × 4 ÷ (7-4) = 2.4 (m)