Calculation (/ is semicolon) - 1 / 3-2 / 5 + 3 / 5-2 / 3 =?

Calculation (/ is semicolon) - 1 / 3-2 / 5 + 3 / 5-2 / 3 =?

The answer is - 4 / 5

Calculation: 2008 + 1 / 2-4 / 3 + 5 / 2-10 / 3 + 9 / 2-16 / 3 +... + 4013 / 2-6022 / 3 this is a fraction problem, don't use semicolon as division sign

Let's first look at the fraction part and divide the positive numbers into a group: 1 / 2 + 5 / 2 + 9 / 2 +... + 4013 / 2 = (1 + 5 + 9 +... + 4013) / 2. We can see that the numerator part is an arithmetic sequence with 4 as the tolerance; similarly, the negative number part: - 4 / 3-10 / 3-16 / 3 -... - 6022 / 3 = - (4 + 10 + 16 +... + 6022) / 3. Here, the numerator is 6

If the solution of the equation MX = 4-x about X is a positive integer, find the value of the positive integer M

X is a positive integer m + 1 > 1
m+1=2 m+1=4
x=2 x=1
‖ M = 1 or 3

When m is an integer, the equation about X is one-half MX-3 / 5 = one-half (x-3 / 4)
When m takes what integer, the solution of the equation about X is positive integer?

5 / (M - 3) / 2 = [4 / (x - 3)] / 2
The solution is: x = (4m + 3) / 5; if you want to solve it as a positive integer, that is to say, if you want to make x > 0, you want to make: (4m + 3) / 5 > 0; the solution is: M > - 3 / 4, and the question is why m takes an integer, the solution of the equation is a positive integer. That is to say, if M takes an integer 1, the solution of the equation is a positive integer

If the solution of the equation MX-3 = 3x + 5 about X is a positive integer, find the value of M

The possible values of M-3 are 1,2,4,8
So the value of M might be 4, 5, 7, 11

When m is a value, the solution of the equation MX > 2x + 3 is a positive integer


If M is a positive integer, then the positive integer solution of the equation 2x + 5m = 17 about X is______ .

When m = 1, x = 6; when m = 3, x = 1, then the positive integer solution of the equation is 6,1

If M is a positive integer, then the positive integer solution of the equation 2x + 5m = 17 about X is______ .

When m = 1, x = 6; when m = 3, x = 1, then the positive integer solution of the equation is 6,1

When m is an integer, the solution of the equation about X is a positive integer?

(3mx-10) / 6 = x / 2 - 2 / 3 3mx-10 = 3x-4 x = 6 / (3m-3) = 2 / (m-1) M = 2 x = 2 m = 3 x = 1 m = 2 or M = 3

Is there an integer m so that the equation 2x + 9 = 2 - (m-2) x has an integer solution? Can you find several values of M? Can you find the corresponding solution of X?

By sorting out the equation 2x + 9 = 2 - (m-2) x, we get
If x is an integer, then M = {- 7, - 1,1,7}
So there are four values of M, and if
When m = - 7, x = 1
When m = - 1, x = 7
When m = 1, x = - 7
When m = 7, x = - 1