If the area of the triangle formed by the line y = 3x + B and the two coordinate axes is 24, then B=_______

If the area of the triangle formed by the line y = 3x + B and the two coordinate axes is 24, then B=_______

The y-axis focus coordinate is (0, b), and the x-axis coordinate is (- B / 3), so the triangle area is 0.5 * b * B / 3 = 24, so B = ± 12

Why is the left and right translation of a function left plus right minus,

My friend, you are mistaken. Without your saying, for example, 10x-6 = 4, we move 6 to the right and get the result
10x = 6 + 4, if we move 10x right, 4 left, get - 6-4 = - 10x, the result is the same, we do this problem to follow a principle will not be wrong, whether you move left or right, you move the number must change the sign, the original is a plus sign to become a minus sign, the original is a minus sign to become a plus sign! You try. You will not be wrong!