Why is left and right translation of a function image left plus right minus? I didn't understand when I was studying, but now it involves quadratic function

Why is left and right translation of a function image left plus right minus? I didn't understand when I was studying, but now it involves quadratic function

According to the truth
The left-right translation should be left minus right plus
It's the increasing and decreasing trend of abscissa
After introducing quadratic function
For the convenience of calculation, there is a vertex formula
Determine the abscissa in (X-H)
There's a minus sign in the middle
So it's the opposite

Why is a function image shifted to the right minus and shifted to the left plus

You think, after adding a number to x, it has the same effect as before, so x becomes smaller and moves to the left. For example, y = 2x + 1 now becomes y = 2 (x + 1) + 1. Only by moving x one unit to the left can it be the same as the original X

What is the law of change when a function moves up, down, left and right?

1. Y = K (x-n) + B is to shift n units to the right
2. Y = K (x + n) + B is to shift n units to the left
Formula: right minus left plus (for y = KX + B, only change b)
1. Y = KX + B + n is to move n units up
2. Y = KX + B-N is to translate n units downward
Pithy formula: add up and subtract down (for y = KX + B, only change b)

How to push down the law of left and right translation of a function
I didn't hear what happened in class. I only know that the rule is y = K (x + m) + B or y = K (x-m) + B. but how can I get it? The teacher said that if I really don't understand the rule, I can't remember it. I want to explain how to get it and understand the meaning

If a function is translated left and right, the truncated oblique formula y = KX + B should be changed into the pointwise oblique formula y = K (X-B). (Note: B in the truncated oblique formula and the pointwise oblique formula is not the same value, and its value is determined according to the value of K during simplification, and the above is only the form of truncated oblique formula and pointwise oblique formula.)
At this point, B in the oblique expression represents the intercept of the linear function and the X axis. If B is changed, the intersection of the line and the X axis changes