Does China mobile tower radiate a lot to human body? According to the national regulations, how far should the tower be located in residential buildings? About 40 meters away from my home, we are going to build a mobile phone tower of China Mobile, about 45 meters high. Is there any radiation? According to the national regulations, how far should this kind of communication be located in residential buildings? Does it need the signature and consent of nearby residents before it can be built? How can we know whether its construction is legal? Is there any way to make it far away from residential buildings?

Does China mobile tower radiate a lot to human body? According to the national regulations, how far should the tower be located in residential buildings? About 40 meters away from my home, we are going to build a mobile phone tower of China Mobile, about 45 meters high. Is there any radiation? According to the national regulations, how far should this kind of communication be located in residential buildings? Does it need the signature and consent of nearby residents before it can be built? How can we know whether its construction is legal? Is there any way to make it far away from residential buildings?

Theoretically, there should be no residential buildings within 200 meters around the signal transmitting tower (transfer tower). The radiation is very large, and it will be harmful to the body if you live nearby for a long time. However, the site selection of the base station (tower) has been demonstrated. In order to obtain the best signal receiving and transmitting effect, it is really not good. You can ask the mobile company to compensate for certain losses

Why does the image translation of a function add and subtract to the left

Let's talk about the graph by yourself. For example, if y = the square of X, the image passes through (0,0). After you move a unit to the right, note that the Y coordinate will not change, so (0,0) - > (a, 0);
The expression becomes the square of y = (x-a);

In the translation of function image y = f (x), why is the translation up and down added and subtracted in brackets and left and right added and subtracted in brackets?

First of all, it is very simple to move up and down. When x is fixed, the corresponding function value changes. Corresponding to the coordinate axis, the function image is fixed up or down, that is, a number is added or subtracted from the original one, outside the brackets. Moving left and right means that the function image moves, that is, the function image moves in the direction of X axis (...)