Fill in the blanks and judgment questions of positive and negative proportion exercises, 1. 35: () = 20 △ 16 = = ()% = () (fill in decimal) 2. Because x = 2Y, X: y = (): (), X is proportional to y 3. The side area of a cylinder is fixed, and the circumference of its bottom is proportional to its height 4. The circumference of a circle is proportional to its radius 5. The ratio of edge length of two cubes is 1:2, and the ratio of their volume is (): () 6. With the same tiles, shop 64 square meters to 320, as such, shop 20 square meters to () pieces 1. The ratio of number a to number B is 3:4, and the number a is 3 / 4 of the number B 2. When 10 grams of pesticide are dissolved in 90 grams of water, the ratio of pesticide to water is 9:1 3. In the 800 meter race, the speed of an athlete is inversely proportional to the time spent 4. A parallelogram has a certain area, and its base and height are in direct proportion 5. The weight of peanut is proportional to the weight of peanut oil 6. If the actual distance is constant, the distance on the map is in direct proportion to the scale 7. The volume of a cube is constant, and the area of its base is inversely proportional to its height 8. The total amount of subscription to Hebi daily is proportional to the number of copies 9. When the total number of parts is fixed, the number of produced parts is inversely proportional to the number of unproductive parts 10. A person's weight is directly proportional to his height 11. The circumference of a rectangle is fixed, and its length and width are in inverse proportion 12. The total amount of water is fixed, and the amount of water used is inversely proportional to the amount of water remaining 13. The radius of a circle is proportional to its area 14. A scale is a ratio, so it has no unit

Fill in the blanks and judgment questions of positive and negative proportion exercises, 1. 35: () = 20 △ 16 = = ()% = () (fill in decimal) 2. Because x = 2Y, X: y = (): (), X is proportional to y 3. The side area of a cylinder is fixed, and the circumference of its bottom is proportional to its height 4. The circumference of a circle is proportional to its radius 5. The ratio of edge length of two cubes is 1:2, and the ratio of their volume is (): () 6. With the same tiles, shop 64 square meters to 320, as such, shop 20 square meters to () pieces 1. The ratio of number a to number B is 3:4, and the number a is 3 / 4 of the number B 2. When 10 grams of pesticide are dissolved in 90 grams of water, the ratio of pesticide to water is 9:1 3. In the 800 meter race, the speed of an athlete is inversely proportional to the time spent 4. A parallelogram has a certain area, and its base and height are in direct proportion 5. The weight of peanut is proportional to the weight of peanut oil 6. If the actual distance is constant, the distance on the map is in direct proportion to the scale 7. The volume of a cube is constant, and the area of its base is inversely proportional to its height 8. The total amount of subscription to Hebi daily is proportional to the number of copies 9. When the total number of parts is fixed, the number of produced parts is inversely proportional to the number of unproductive parts 10. A person's weight is directly proportional to his height 11. The circumference of a rectangle is fixed, and its length and width are in inverse proportion 12. The total amount of water is fixed, and the amount of water used is inversely proportional to the amount of water remaining 13. The radius of a circle is proportional to its area 14. A scale is a ratio, so it has no unit

Fill in the blanks: 1, 35: [28] = 20 ÷ 16 = [125]% = [1.25]; 2, X: y = 2:1; X and y are in [positive proportion]; 3, [negative]; 4, [positive]; 5, [1]: [8]; 6, [100]; judgment: 1, [x] 2, [x] 3, [...]

The significance of positive proportion and negative proportion

What do positive and negative ratios mean?
What is their concept?

Knowledge points: (1) positive proportion: two related quantities, one quantity changes, the other quantity also changes. If the ratio of the two numbers corresponding to these two quantities (that is, quotient) is fixed, these two quantities are called