The answer is 29. What is the law? Why?

The answer is 29. What is the law? Why?

All prime numbers!

7 out of 11, 5 out of 9, 11 out of 15, 9 out of 13, 3 out of 7, 13 out of 17, and 15 out of 19

15/19 13/17 11/15 9/13 7/11 5/9 3/7

Use the 25 numbers - 3 ~ 21 to arrange a magic square of fifth order

13 20 - 3 4 11 19 1 3 10 120 2 9 16 186 8 15 17 14 21 - 25 magic square is to arrange 25 consecutive numbers in a five times five table, so that the sum of five numbers on each row, column and diagonal line is equal. Another example is to fill 1 ~ 25 in the box, which can be: 17 24 18 15
23 5 7 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
The arrangement methods are as follows:
Rob's method: the smallest data upward center, in order to fill in diagonally to the top right, write down from the top box, fill in from the right box to the left, and fill out the weight in the bottom box. Yang Hui's method: Nine sub diagonal row, up and down exchange, left and right change, four-dimensional highlight. Hope to help you

How to construct the fifth order magic square by knowing the positions from 1 to 5
Robert's method, but I want to know if I can find a general solution when I know the position of 12345.

I'm looking forward to giving you an example. I'll analyze it a little bit. If we know the number of positions of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, we have to be accurate. This is the premise. We all understand it. Since we have given five numbers, we can't use the law like the stair method when constructing, that is to say, we can only use the push method

Construct a magic square of order 5 with 25 numbers. The sum of three numbers on each row, column and diagonal is determined by oneself

Reverse thinking: Magic sum = 45, so the central number = 45 / 3 = 15. The simplest third-order magic square comes out: 9 consecutive numbers 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 with 15 as the center: [18] [11] [16] [13] [15] [17] [14] [19] [12] magic sum = 45. In fact, is there any number of answers [28] [

How many nanometers, how many Pico meters, how many flying meters, how many a?
Exact and approximate values
Nanometer is the negative ninth power of 10, and flying is the negative 15th power

One light year equals 9.416 * 10 ^ 15m = 9.416 × 10 ^ 24nm = 9.416 × 19 ^ 30fm

Why is PM2.5 called PM2.5? Baidu says it is less than or equal to 2.5 micron. Isn't PM PIMI?

PM refers to the diameter of inhalable particles, no PIMI said

How many meters is a PIM pm

The negative 12th power of 10

How many microns is a meter

1 meter = 1 000 micron

How many micrometers, millimeters, centimeters, decimeters and meters is a kilometer?

1000000000 micron
1000000 mm
100000 cm
10000 decimeters
1000 meters