How much m is one um

How much m is one um


How to convert a centimeter's fourth power into a millimeter's fourth power

1 cm = 10 mm, so the fourth power of 1 cm = the fourth power of 10 mm, that is, the fourth power of 10000 mm

(2 times 10 to the fifth power) times (6 times 10 to the fourth power)

1.2 times 10 ^ 10

3.6 times 10 to the power of minus 5 =?

3.6 times 10 to the power of minus 5

How does the M-N power of X deform?

The M-N power of X
=The m power of X divided by the n power of X

The negative nth power of E = LN


Since a molecule is made up of atoms, why is the diameter of a molecule 10-10 Power M and the diameter of an atom 10-10 Power M?

A molecule is made up of atoms, but not several atoms put together to form a molecule
The atom is spherical, the nucleus is very small, and the rest is empty, just the motion space of the electron
The formation of molecules is the function of bonds. If the atoms share electron pairs (take most molecular crystals and atomic crystals as an example), then there will be overlapping parts between the atoms. Therefore, the atomic composition of molecules is not just the superposition of atomic diameters
In addition, the diameter order of magnitude is very small, even if the molecular diameter of many atoms is not very large
So these two are similar

The actual mass of an O atom is about 16 / 6.02 * 10 to the 23rd power G

The relative atomic mass of oxygen atom is "16", that is "16 carbon units", so its molar mass is less than 1
But there are 6.022 * 10 ^ 23 oxygen atoms per mole of oxygen, so each oxygen atom
The real mass of the atom is (16g / mol) / (6.022 * 10 ^ 23 / mol) = 16g / 6.022 * 10 ^ 23

If the diameter of an atom is 10 to the negative 10th Power M, the diameter of the carbon nanotube made by Chinese scientists is 33 nm, which is equivalent to the length of how many atoms are arranged together


6.02 times 10 to the 23rd power, the amount of the molecule of H2 is 1mol
What's wrong with this sentence? Please give me advice!

02 × 10 ^ 23. This value is an approximate value of Avogadro constant. There is a difference between them
Na is about 6.02 × 10 ^ 23