What causes the long-term marginal cost curve to rise after reaching a certain level of production? Is it the law of diminishing marginal return?

What causes the long-term marginal cost curve to rise after reaching a certain level of production? Is it the law of diminishing marginal return?

That is because when the output reaches a certain level, the scale of the enterprise also reaches a certain level. If the enterprise expands the scale to increase the output, it will be overstaffed due to the huge organization, resulting in low work efficiency, increased management difficulty and cost, that is, the role of diminishing returns on scale

How to understand the labor demand curve? What is the law of diminishing marginal returns?

The demand for labor comes from manufacturers. The price of labor demand depends on the marginal product of labor. Because the marginal productivity of labor decreases, the market demand curve of labor is a line segment inclined from the top left to the bottom right
The law of diminishing marginal utility means that under the condition of other conditions unchanged, if an input factor increases continuously and equally, the increment of the product provided will decrease when it increases to a certain output value, that is, the marginal yield of the variable factor will decrease, The utility (i.e. marginal utility) obtained by the consumption of the newly added last unit of goods usually presents a decreasing phenomenon, which is called the law of diminishing marginal utility. It is also called Gossen's first law

What do these represent on the logging curve?
On the logging curve, some things are not understood, Thank you for sped (M / h) Magt (MV) FW (DEG) TX (DEG) DT (US / M) 118 (ohmm) ILM (ohmm) ILD (ohmm) DLLD (ohhm) DLLs (ohhm) help tell us what they stand for?

Sped is the measurement velocity, Magt is the magnetic mark, FW is the azimuth, TX is the deviation angle, DT is the acoustic time difference, ll8 (not 118) is the eight lateral resistivity, ILM is the medium induction resistivity, ILD is the deep induction resistivity, DLLD is the deep lateral resistivity, DLLs is the shallow lateral resistivity