When water and mercury are installed in a glass measuring cylinder, the water surface will be concave and the mercury surface will be convex. Why?

When water and mercury are installed in a glass measuring cylinder, the water surface will be concave and the mercury surface will be convex. Why?

The attraction between water molecules and glass molecules is greater than that between water molecules, which is also called infiltration. At this time, the water surface is concave
The attraction between mercury molecules is greater than that between mercury molecules and glass molecules, which shows that mercury and glass are not infiltrated, so the liquid surface of mercury is convex

Phenomenon: a basketball gas play too much, after landing explosion, produced white gas
(hope to explain it in terms of energy and gas)
Why does pressure decrease make temperature decrease?

It's hard to say: after the gas is compressed, the energy of the gas is actually reduced. At the moment of compression, the temperature of the gas will rise. But after the heat transfer, the temperature of the compressed gas will be equal to the outdoor atmospheric temperature, and the volume will be reduced. The potential energy of the interaction between air molecules will be weakened, so the internal energy will be reduced

Xiaoning takes out a few pieces of ice from the freezer of the refrigerator and puts them into a glass of normal temperature water. After a while, she stirs with a straw and finds that the ice sticks together. Why

I see several answers, which one do you like to believe? 1. The ice temperature is too low, and some water is frozen in the water! It's like eating too low a cold drink will stick to the tongue. 2. We all know that the winter in Northeast China is very cold. In winter, when I open the water from the school's boiling water room, it seems to be stuck on the ground at the foot of the door of the water room