On the clock face, turn the hour hand from the number "12" clockwise to "6", and record it as + 1 / 2 cycle. Then - 1 / 4 cycle means that the number of turning the hour hand from "12" counterclockwise is () I'm in a hurry to answer the question as soon as possible,

On the clock face, turn the hour hand from the number "12" clockwise to "6", and record it as + 1 / 2 cycle. Then - 1 / 4 cycle means that the number of turning the hour hand from "12" counterclockwise is () I'm in a hurry to answer the question as soon as possible,


On the clock, turn the minute hand from the clock face number "12" clockwise to "6", which is recorded as + 1 / 2 cycle, then turn the minute hand from "12" to - 1 / 3 cycle
At this time, the number indicated by the minute hand is

The minute hand refers to 8

2. When an extracurricular learning group designs a rectangular clock face, the center of the hour hand is in the center of the rectangle, the number 2 is on the top of the rectangle, and the number is marked on the midpoint of the four sides, as shown in the figure
(1) When the needle points to 2, what is the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand?
(2) Some students take the midpoint of the line segment between the numbers 12 and 2. Some students take the intersection of the bisector and the line segment between the numbers 12 and 2 when the time is 2. Why?

(1) It's 60 degrees
(2) The second method is correct. Because the clock turns 360 degrees for 12 hours, the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand gradually increases by 30 degrees at the hour. Because the angle is 90 degrees at 3 o'clock, the angle is 60 degrees at 2 o'clock and 30 degrees at 1 o'clock, so the bisector of the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand at 2 o'clock is half of 60 degrees, which is 30 degrees. Therefore, the second method should be adopted