I'm in a hurry Solve the system of linear equations of three variables! 4a+2b+c=6 16a+4b+c=3 36a+6b+c=2

I'm in a hurry Solve the system of linear equations of three variables! 4a+2b+c=6 16a+4b+c=3 36a+6b+c=2

4a+2b+c=6 ①
16a+4b+c=3 ②
36a+6b+c=2 ③
②-① 12a+2b=-3 ④
③-② 20a+2b=-1 ⑤
⑤-④ 8a=2 a=1/4
3 + 2B = - 3
Substituting ①, we get 1-6 + C = 6, C = 11

Solving multiple equation of one variable: 53 * x ^ 6-775 * x + 722 = 0, please help matlab to calculate all roots,

-1.5309 + 1.0234i
-1.5309 - 1.0234i
0.3534 + 1.6851i
0.3534 - 1.6851i
one point three five five one

What is the difference between the MATLAB expression y = sin (x) / X and y = sin (x). / x,

If x and y are single elements, there is no need to add points. If x and y are vectors or matrices, adding points means that the corresponding elements are operated, while not adding points means that the matrix is operated. When the dimension requirements are not met, errors will occur

How to use fsolve function to solve the equation y = x ^ 3 + 10 * x ^ 2-2 * sin (x) - 50 in MATLAB

fun.mfunction f=fun(x)f=x.^3+10*x.^2-2*sin(x)-50;>>[x,f,h]=fsolve(@fun,[-4,4])x =-2.564769814322712 2.070673355182788f =1.0e-007 *-0.000000071054274 0.114992886324217h =1