It is known that the function y = f (x) is the inverse of the function y = loga X. if f (5) = 32, then a=______

It is known that the function y = f (x) is the inverse of the function y = loga X. if f (5) = 32, then a=______

So in the inverse function, when x = 32, y = 5
So 5 = loga (32)
So a = 2

If f (x) = X-1 (x is less than or equal to - 2), find F-1 (4)
Why is there a negative sign in front of a part of y = root sign (x + 1)? The original function range is calculated to be greater than or equal to - 1, x = y + 1, y greater than or equal to - 1, y + 1, isn't it that the more it changes, the more positive it becomes? Why add a - sign if it's not negative?

Because the definition field of X is less than or equal to - 2, only the negative root can be retained after the square root

Given that the image of the inverse function of the function f (x) = x ^ 2-4x + 3 passes through the point (- 1,2), then the value of X is equal to____

So the value of X is 2

It is known that the equation 3 [X-2 (x-a / 2) = 4x and 3x + A / 12 + 1-5x / 8 have the same solution, and the value of a is only the sum of
The solution of the equation
It is known that the equation 3 [X-2 (x-a 2) = 4x and 3x + A / 12 + 1-5x / 8 = 1] about X have the same solution, the value of a can only be solved


How to prove that a parallelogram is a centrosymmetric figure

First of all, we should know that the intersection of the diagonals of the parallelogram is the center of symmetry of the parallelogram
Secondly, it is necessary to prove that the four triangles divided by diagonals are congruent
According to the concept of centrosymmetric figure to prove
If two triangles are congruent, then the two triangles can completely coincide
Can you prove it for yourself?

Is a parallelogram a centrosymmetric figure

All centrosymmetric figures have two characteristics
1. The lines of all corresponding points intersect at one point, and the distance from each corresponding point to the intersection point is equal
The diagonals of parallelograms are bisected and all intersect at one point, and the distance from the corresponding point to the intersection of diagonals is equal
2. Rotate 180 degrees around the point to coincide with the original figure
Therefore, a parallelogram is a centrosymmetric figure

Is a parallelogram a centrosymmetric figure?

Parallelogram is a centrosymmetric figure~

Is a parallelogram a centrosymmetric figure?
Who can tell the truth?

No, you can try it yourself!

In the same coordinate system, draw the image of the following groups of functions: (1) y = x, y = 1 / 2 x, y = 2 X
Another question: y = ︱ x ︱ obviously, here "X" takes any real number, so when "X" takes a negative number, for example, when x = - 1, because the absolute value is positive, ︱ 1 ︱ then the coordinates of this point are (- 1,1) or (1,1)? If x = - 2, then the coordinates of this point are (- 2,2) or (2,2)? Please help me to analyze,

These three function images are located in one or two quadrants
It is a function of the larger slope of the two rays passing through the origin which are symmetrical about the y-axis
If x = - 1, then the ordinal number pair of y = | x | is (- 1,1)

In the same plane rectangular coordinate system, draw the image of function y = 2-x and function y = X-1, and use the image to find their intersection coordinates