By two triangles. Two circles and two straight lines can form what figure

By two triangles. Two circles and two straight lines can form what figure

It can be a bird, a scarecrow

Two triangles, two circles and two straight lines constitute what figure

Use two circles, two triangles and a rectangle to form a figure

Please draw a straight line on the graph so that the figure below is a triangle and a trapezoid

The drawing is as follows:

Add a straight line and divide the figure below into 2 triangles

Here is a rectangular piece of paper. Please draw a line and divide it into two parts. Then cut it along this line. These two parts can be cut into triangles,

Connect the two opposite points of a rectangular piece of paper. Cut along this line. The two parts can be cut into triangles

In the triangle, draw a line into two triangles, then draw n lines how many triangles

Draw a line from the same fixed point to three triangles
Two lines make six triangles

How to draw a line in a trapezoid to make it a triangle and a Pentagon
Can I send a diagram

=&Such a simple question

Add a line to a Pentagon to make it two triangles

Draw a thick line

A quadrilateral, how to draw a line, can make it into three triangles?

Define a quadrilateral as ABCD
Draw a line from a to a point E on CD on the opposite side of AB (point E does not coincide with C and D), and fold back to point B through point E
This line is a broken line AEB