Answer the question according to the knowledge of plant classification: plants with roots, leaves, flowers and fruits are () plants, also known as () plants Plants with roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits are () plants, also called () plants. Plants with roots, stems, leaves and seeds have no flowers. Plants without fruits are () plants. Plants with only roots, stems and leaves are () plants. Plants with only stems and leaves are () plants. Plants whose organisms are directly composed of single cells or multi cells are () plants

Answer the question according to the knowledge of plant classification: plants with roots, leaves, flowers and fruits are () plants, also known as () plants Plants with roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits are () plants, also called () plants. Plants with roots, stems, leaves and seeds have no flowers. Plants without fruits are () plants. Plants with only roots, stems and leaves are () plants. Plants with only stems and leaves are () plants. Plants whose organisms are directly composed of single cells or multi cells are () plants

Plants with roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits are (green flowering) plants, also known as (quilt) plants
Plants with roots, stems, leaves, seeds, no flowers and no fruits are gymnosperms
Plants with only roots, stems and leaves are (ferns)
A plant that has only stems and leaves is (MOSS)
The plant organism is composed of single cell or multicellular directly

What kind of plant has no division of root, stem and leaf
1. Algae 2. Bryophytes

Absolutely algae! Bryophytes have roots

The difference of leaf cell between hydrophyte and xerophyte?

The mesophyll cells of aquatic plants have no distinction between spongy tissue and palisade tissue, and the arrangement of mesophyll cells is loose. There is no cuticle on the leaf surface, and there are few stomata. There are no stomata on the leaves contacting the water surface
Mesophyll cells of xerophytes differentiated into spongy tissue and palisade tissue, with thicker cuticle and fewer stomata on the upper surface and thinner cuticle and more stomata on the lower surface

Characteristics of xerophyte, mesophyte, hygrophyte and hydrophyte
RT, the more complete the better

1. Xerophyte: suitable for dry and rain areas, not waterlogging, drought resistance
2. Mesophyte: this kind of plant has the most varieties and has good adaptability to drought and waterlogging
3. Hygrophyte: suitable for growing on river bank or place with high groundwater level
4. Hydrophyte: a plant suitable for growing in shallow water or floating in deep water