Which plants are propagated by roots

Which plants are propagated by roots

Common plants propagated by roots are sweet potato, Christmas red, bamboo banana, chrysanthemum, horse tooth peony, pine leaf peony, daifenye, colorful leaf grass, HuangJinGe, burley grass, alternifolia, rose, camellia, Rhododendron, geranium, longtuzhu, Impatiens balsamina, ririchun, sweet potato vine etc.

There are () () plants that propagate with leaves and () () plants that propagate with roots?

The plants that propagate with leaves are: Yushu, aloe, gem flower, ground root, zeolites, etc., and the plants that propagate with roots are: Chrysanthemum and bamboo

Do an experiment on the reproduction of plant roots, stems and leaves

At the end of March, the bulb root of Cymbidium is buried in the soil. Half a month later, leaves sprout out of the soil like swords. One month later, four leaves grow out. In another two months, flower buds are drawn out from the axils of leaves. They bloom in about ten days, which is very beautiful
Rose has the longest flowering period. It is easy to breed and fragrant. In autumn, the annual branches with two or three leaf buds will be cut and raised in a water bottle. When the roots grow, they will be moved to the pot. It will bloom in the next spring
Sedum plants belong to succulent plants, it is very easy to reproduce. Take a whole leaf and insert the petiole in the soil. After more than ten days, Sedum plants will grow. After growing, you can bask in more sunlight and water a little

Do an experiment to reproduce with the roots (or stems or leaves) of a plant
Make a form
The experimental process was as follows
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The first step of plant tissue culture is to remove the unused parts from the collected plant materials, and wash the needed parts carefully, such as brushing with a suitable brush. Cut the materials into appropriate size, that is, the sterilization container can be placed properly. Wash the collected plant materials with running water under the tap for several minutes to several hours, and the washing time depends on the cleanliness of the materials