What did man invent from plants? It's plants, not animals

What did man invent from plants? It's plants, not animals

Simulating the incomplete photosynthetic apparatus of cyanobacteria, we will design a bionic photolysis device to obtain a large amount of hydrogen
Xanthium plants get inspiration to invent Velcro

Is the source of energy used by human being the fixed energy of plants?

At present, the energy used by human beings includes chemical energy (mainly including coal, oil, natural gas, firewood, biogas, etc.), wind energy, hydraulic energy (including river water flow and ocean tide), solar energy, atomic energy, etc., among which the source of the first four is directly from or closely related to the sun, while atomic energy has nothing to do with the sun, The tidal energy of the ocean is mainly related to the earth's autobiography and the moon's gravity, but not entirely from the sun
It can only be said that the main source of energy used by the ancients was the energy fixed by plants through photosynthesis (firewood, coal, natural gas, shallow oil), and even the ancients knew how to use hydraulic energy. Although it was related to the sun, it was not fixed by plants

Small invention and creation in grade one of primary school
The method is simple but creative. We can make it by hand with the things around us

Realization method: the realization of environmental protection double-layer plastic bag is very simple, as long as 4. Save the production method of small invention! Wrap the beer bottle cap with rags, and then sew it together according to your own shape, you can make a sundry box