I haven't worked it out for a long time, Insert the cards in the square so that the three numbers of horizontal, vertical and oblique lines add up equally. The number cards are three 4, three 5 and three 6. If I want to insert them into a 3x3 square, I can't get the answer

I haven't worked it out for a long time, Insert the cards in the square so that the three numbers of horizontal, vertical and oblique lines add up equally. The number cards are three 4, three 5 and three 6. If I want to insert them into a 3x3 square, I can't get the answer

6 4 5
4 5 6
5 6 4

How to keep the winter vacation homework of Chinese and mathematics in the first semester of primary school?

Chinese is the arrangement of diary; mathematics let parents buy oral arithmetic books, how much to do every day, as long as you finish it before the beginning of school; and the school will be unified winter vacation homework, let the children finish it. First grade children had better not assign too much homework, slowly add homework, to make the children hate school

Sarcastic remarks: () words () words
Groundless and malign words: () words () words
Groundless, slanderous words: () words (())
False and sweet words: () words () words

4. Sarcastic remarks: (cold) words (cold) words
5. What you say to yourself
6. Unfounded and malicious remarks
7. Bold and majestic words
Groundless, slander, slander: (slander)
9. Words like honey: (sweet) words (honey)
10. False and beautiful words: (flower) words (clever) words

Dog painting plum, duckling painting maple leaf, chicken painting bamboo leaf, pony painting crescent
As it is, you can also say: () draw ()

Kittens draw plum blossoms, birds draw maple leaves, children draw footprints
I don't know if it's OK

There is such a question, called guess what they eat? Content is radish eat (), potato eat (), cabbage eat (), tomato eat (), green onion eat (), cucumber eat ()

It should be asked what parts these plants eat, not what radishes eat
Radish eat blocky stems, potatoes eat stems (because potatoes are blocky stems), cabbage eat leaves, tomatoes eat fruits, scallions eat stems and leaves, cucumbers eat fruits and seeds (seeds are white inside)

The poem of dusk

At dusk
Bai Juyi
In front of the independent Buddhist hall at dusk, the ground is full of locust flowers and cicadas
At four o'clock, the heart is always bitter, and the intestines are broken in autumn
Spring Village
Bai Juyi
In February, the village garden is warm and the mulberry trees fly
Farmers pound old grain, silkworms pray for new clothes
Cattle and horses because of the wind far, chicken and porpoise too rare
The road under the woods at dusk, the God of drum and flute racing
Bai Juyi
River back to see double Huabiao, know is Xunyang West Guomen
You go to the lonely boat three or four miles, water smoke and sand rain to dusk
Crape myrtle
Bai Juyi
Silk fiber Pavilion below the book static, bell drum tower engraved leakage long
Who is the companion when sitting alone at dusk
Last month
Bao Rong
At dusk, the tide falls, the Nansha is bright, the moonlight is clear, and the autumn snow is clear
Hydrology does not smoke does not swing, Pingping Yutian cold open
Sitting alone
Du Fu
Sorrow back to the white head, leaning on the stick back lonely city
Cangming clothes fade, Zhu Fu negative life
Du Fu
It's Dusk in the north of Chu palace, and the rain marks in the west of Baidi city,
Return to the cloud, support the tree and lose the mountain village
Don't stay for a long time. The South has not been summoned
Du Mu
The painting hall is noisy with songs and dances, and people who go to the club don't look at it
Long is Jiang Lou's companion, still waiting to lean on the fence at dusk
Du Mu
Disturbing and overturning, cold smoke at dusk
Mao deceives empress hair, sound feeling Chu Ji string
Under the wind, the frost forest sleeps on its wings
Just like the journey to the west, the head is white
Remnant flower
Han Luo
How many afterglow and snow are there? The withering fragrance is still endless. At dusk, the moon is white and melancholy,
After the rain on the Qingming Day, there are only a few red shoots
West Garden sad this day, a song, water to the East
Li Duan
The white horse chases the red chariot, and at dusk it enters the narrow slope,
When Dongfang's son-in-law joined the army, he knew the hour when he heard Wu ti
Dengle Youyuan
Li Shangyin
Xiang Wanyi felt uncomfortable and drove to Guyuan
The setting sun is infinitely good, just near dusk
Falling flowers
Li Zhong
What can I do when I feel nostalgic,
Random floating Golden Valley, wind more. Long spin by water, pieces of light sticky short Sha
Who can see the deep lock of the long gate and the gentle rain at dusk
Shake off
Wei Zhuang
Shake autumn wine easy to wake up, sad long like parting feeling
At dusk, I lean on the pillar and do not go back
Night view of Jiangting
Song Zhiwen
Vast cloud root immersion, haze out of the village. Bird sand traces, sails over the waves no trace
Look at the water to know the flexibility, look at the mountains to break the soul
Looking at Changxi in autumn
Tang Yanqian
Liu short Sha long stream flow, rain light smoke, Li Xi tou
The crows are shining in front of the mountain, and Du Qu worries alone at dusk
Spring sorrow
Wei Zhuang
Own spring sorrow is soul, can't bear grass think of the king
The fallen flowers are silent, the dusk rains, and there is no one in the deep courtyard to lean on
Qiu Huai
Locust smoke thin, late crow worry, alone to the evening Li Yu ditch
South hope in the life of far thinking, a line of new geese to Tingzhou
Zheng Gu
Jiangjun rare is the village, outing weather to dusk
Spring sorrow does not break into drunk, tears and wine stains on clothes
Xiaomei in mountain garden
Lin Bu in Song Dynasty
Many Fang shake off, alone noisy Yan, occupy all the amorous feelings to the small garden
Thin shadow horizontal oblique, water shallow, fragrance floating on the evening
Frost bird wants to steal its eyes first, and pink butterfly knows how to break its soul
Fortunately, there is no need to share gold bottles with tanban
Love in autumn
Zhu Shuzhen
Slender crescent hanging at dusk, people in the secluded boudoir to break the soul
Jian Su unsealed also changed, wine cup languid but review
Lantern account for the broken heart, Luo sleeve for tears
We should know that love is the root of sorrow
Li Qingzhao
Light spring, cold food day, jade furnace water curl residual smoke, dream back to the mountain pillow hidden flower mother of pearl
Haiyan future people fight grass, Jiangmei has been willow, dusk rain wet swing
Slow voice
Li Qingzhao
Looking for, cold and clear, sad and miserable. When it's warm and cold, it's the most difficult to stop. How can three glasses of two light wines make him come late? The wind is fierce! The wild goose is sad, but it's an old acquaintance
The yellow flowers are stacked and haggard. Now who can pick them? How can they be born alone? Wutong is drizzled with rain.
Drunken flower shade
Li Qingzhao
The mist is thick, the clouds worry about the day, the auspicious brain disappears the golden beast
Dongli wine after dusk, there are dark fragrance sleeves. Mo road not soul. Curtain volume west wind, people thinner than yellow flowers
Ruan Langgui
Su Shi
The dark fragrance floats in the evening. There is a tree in front of the hall. Why does the east wind enter the west? My family often closes
The snow is cold, the jade is true. The powder of fragrant cheek is not even. The flowers are to be sent to Lingtou people. The clouds are setting in the south of the Yangtze River
Yu Meiren
Su Shi
Ice muscle is born thin. After more separation, the day is long and the curtain is at dusk
You also know the bitterness of Acacia. How can you bear to throw away your slave? If you don't leave me, I will pass it to Guan Shan. I'm afraid it's easy to leave you and hard to see you
Like a dream
Nalanxingde in Qing Dynasty
Do you know the heart? Old hate and new love. Who can see? Who can see? The pillow is red with tears

1. Morning -- () -- evening 2. Champion -- () -- palace Army
3. Pass -- () -- -- () -- excellent
4. Start -- () -- -- -- arrive

1. Morning (noon) - (afternoon) - (evening)
2. Champion (runner up) - (runner up) - (Palace runner up)
3. Pass --- medium --- good --- excellent
4. Starting -- (running) - (sprinting) - (arriving)

Write the words of the evening

A hundred birds return to the forest at dusk, the setting sun is like blood, the cooking smoke rises in the morning and evening, the earth sleeps in the night, the lights are dim, the crows return to the forest, the trees are magnificent and colorful, the cold night rain is tight, the red sun in Hengshan Mountain is flat, the red sun in the west is slanting, the red sun in the west is falling, the red sun in the mountain is holding, the bright lights are rising, the golden crows are falling, the road is long, the sun is falling

What are the national boundaries between the United States and Canada? (World Geography)
The north section is mainly composed of two sections__________ It is the boundary;
In the southern section__________ It is the boundary;
The eastern section is mainly composed of two sections__________ It's the boundary

From east to west is the St. Lawrence River, the Great Lakes, and then 49 north latitude. The westernmost is Alaska (belonging to the United States) and the boundary between Canada is 141w
Part of the border between the United States and Canada is divided by a line of 49 degrees north latitude. Due to the good relations between the United States and Canada, this line has now become the longest undefended border in the world. However, the United States regards Latin America as its backyard and forcibly occupies the strategic location of forced rent. In 1903, the United States forced rent of the Panama Canal for 100 years, At the end of last century, it had to be returned. In the same year, the United States forced rent first and then occupied Guantanamo, Cuba, as a naval base. Up to now, the two sides are still in dispute. The famous waterfall at the junction of the United States and Canada is Niagara Falls. The St. Lawrence River, one of the most important rivers in North America, originates from the five Great Lakes region and joins the Atlantic Ocean at St. Lawrence Bay, with a total length of 1200 km, It is one of the largest water systems in the world, and also a major waterway in North America. It is navigable throughout Canada, and St. Lawrence Seaway was officially navigable in 1959. The waterway runs through the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes basin, developing 3800 km long waterway, and further connecting the grassland provinces in the West and the major industrial cities of the United States and Canada, The St. Lawrence River, 65 kilometers wide, is a real gateway to North America, and 200 kilometers of the border between the United States and Canada is also divided by the river

I've been to the United States (it's better to have a "geography class" in the United States)_ ∩)o
What do Americans read the world's highest peak (Mount Everest)? It's the American version. Oh, I know if I don't read "Everest", the film "hair gel" has appeared

Mount Everest
It commemorates George Everest, the director of Indian Survey Bureau, who was responsible for surveying the Himalayas when the British occupied Nepal