Water can dissolve some solids, but not gases and liquids

Water can dissolve some solids, but not gases and liquids

In addition to the commonly known solid soluble in water, there are many insoluble in water, such as rosin, glass and iron
Liquid can also be dissolved in water. For example, water and alcohol can be mixed in any proportion. But oil is generally difficult to dissolve in water. Gas can also be dissolved in water. Why can fish live in water? Because oxygen is dissolved in water, which must be wrong. Hydrogen and nitrogen are really difficult to dissolve in water. In addition, carbon dioxide can also be dissolved in water to form carbonic acid

What are the definitions of solid, liquid and gas and how to distinguish them?
Sand can also flow, but why is it a solid rather than a liquid
Many solids are not as dense as mercury, but Mercury is a liquid
Why can dense mercury flow?

Solid: material particles can only do very small vibration near the equilibrium position, and there are very strong chemical bonds between the material particles
Liquid: the particles can vibrate at the equilibrium position, and the associated molecules composed of particles can move freely. At this time, most of the particles only have hydrogen bonds or intermolecular forces
Gas: all molecules can move freely, the force between molecules is very small, and can expand to any position of the container
That's the definition
One of the most important properties of a liquid different from a solid is fluidity, because associated molecules can move freely
Inside the structure of sand are covalent bonds of oxygen and silicon. Each bond is so strong that the atoms can hardly move
Only sand particles can flow. Every sand particle is solid, and there is no association molecule that can move
There is only weak molecular force inside mercury, which can flow freely. So it is a liquid
Density has nothing to do with whether it is a solid or not
The basis of judging solid and liquid is whether they can flow. The nature of a pile of "sand particles" cannot be called fluidity

What are gases, liquids and solids? What are their concepts
Please give an example

Solid: there is a certain volume and shape, the texture of relatively hard objects. At room temperature, steel, iron, rock, wood, glass, etc. are solid. Gas: there is no certain shape, no certain volume, can flow objects. At room temperature, air, oxygen, biogas, etc. are gases. Liquid: there is a certain volume, no one

From solid to liquid, from liquid to gas, from solid to gas, and vice versa, what are these phenomena
From solid to liquid, from liquid to gas, from solid to gas, and vice versa, what are these phenomena? What are they in scientific terms?

Solid change liquid is melting liquid, solid change is solidification liquid, gas change is vaporization gas, liquid change is liquefaction, solid change gas change is sublimation gas change is condensation! It should be like this==

What are the organic substances that are gases at room temperature, and what are the liquid and solid substances,

Common organic compounds are gases at room temperature: hydrocarbons with less than 4 carbon atoms, such as CH4, C2H6, c4h12, C2H4, C4H8, C2H2, C4H6, etc.; oxygen containing derivatives are only formaldehyde HCHO; chloroform, etc
Common organic compounds are usually liquid, including low carbon halogenated hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ethers, carboxylic acids, esters, etc., such as benzene, bromobenzene, nitrobenzene, 1,2-dibromoethane, carbon tetrachloride, ethanol, acetaldehyde, diethyl ether, acetic acid, ethyl acetate, etc
All kinds of substances with larger carbon number are gaseous
As for the number of carbon matter is liquid or solid, all kinds of substances are not exactly the same, if only a general understanding of the middle school textbooks appear on the matter can be understood

Different characteristics of solid liquid gas

Solid: the molecules are closely arranged, and there is a strong force between the molecules. It has a certain volume and shape
Liquid: molecules have no fixed position and move freely. The force between particles is smaller than that of solid. There is no fixed form and it has fluidity
Gas: extremely scattered molecules, large spacing, high speed to move in all directions, small force between particles, easy to be compressed, with fluidity

Besides solid, liquid and gas, what are the forms of matter

The fourth state of matter plasma
The so-called plasma is the excited ionized gas, which reaches a certain degree of ionization (> 10-x), and the gas is in a conductive state. The ionized gas in this state shows a collective behavior, that is, the movement of each charged particle in the ionized gas will affect the surrounding charged particles, and is also constrained by other charged particles, In other words, the number of positive and negative charges in the ionized gas is equal, so the gas state is called plasma state. Because its unique behavior is different from that of solid state, liquid state and gas state, it is called the fourth state of matter
The fifth state of matter Bose Einstein condensate
The so-called Bose Einstein condensation is a new state of matter predicted by Einstein 70 years ago. The "condensation" here is different from that in daily life. It means that atoms in different states suddenly "condense" to the same state. Bose Einstein condensed matter consists of thousands of ultracold particles with a single quantum state, It behaves like a super atom, which is composed of bosons. The peculiar properties of this material form have bright application prospects in the fields of chip technology, precision measurement and nanotechnology
The above five forms are recognized all over the world, and other forms such as fermion condensed state and ester membrane structure state are still controversial

About water (related to Science)
What kind of water is the main source of domestic water
What is the proportion of this water body in the earth's water body
In addition, by the way, the distribution of water resources in the world [Characteristics], pay attention to [Characteristics]. How it's distributed.

Fresh water is the main source of water for daily life. The reserves of fresh water resources on land only account for 2.53% of the total amount of water on the earth, and solid glaciers account for 68.69% of the total reserves of fresh water. They are mainly distributed in the polar regions. Under the current technical level, it is difficult for human beings to use them

A scientific problem (about water)
Frost is directly formed by water vapor, frost is directly formed by heating, ice is heated to liquid water, liquid water is cooled to solid ice, fog is formed by water vapor being cooled, fog is irradiated by sunlight to gaseous water

Sublimation, melting, solidification, liquefaction and vaporization

Science problems in grade one of junior high school (related to water)
If the concentration of brine is different, do they have the same boiling point? Please design an experiment to study?

It's not the same
Heat the salt water with different solubility and measure their boiling point